tell me is it real.. - e.h

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you and edwin often lean towards each other when you're drunk. other than that there seems to be a odd connection between y'all.

unlike when you're drunk.

so you're not sure if there's something there or not.

especially since it only seems to feel like there's something there when you're both drunk.

until. one night he pours his heart out to you.

it's another friday night house party. nothing new there.

edwin looks at you "y/n can we talk?"

by now he was pretty slurred with his speech but you were still pretty sober.

you followed edwin to outside where he wanted to talk.

you sat down and looked at him "you okay? you've had a lot to drink already.."

edwin nods "i love you. i really do. you mean a lot to me."

you nod "i love you too ed, of course i do. you're my best friend"

edwin shakes his head "no no more than that. i. i love you" he stutters.

you sighed "ed. you're drunk. you don't know what you're saying"

edwin shakes his head "no! i love you. i genuinely love you"

you look at zion who was beside you "how do i handle this?"

zion looks at you "go get him some water. i've got this"

you nod and stand up. you walk over to the refrigerator to get some water. you sighed.

brandon looks at you "i know it's not what you want to hear y/n"

you sighed "it's just. it's confusing. he's drunk so he doesn't know what he's saying so i don't know if he's serious or if it's just"

zion smiled "i know"

you went back and sat beside edwin handing him some water " you sure you mean this?"

edwin nods "110%."

you look at him "we need to sleep on this. it's a bug thing"

you both went to sleep for the night then when you woke up edwin was looking at you.

"i'm serious. i want us to be something. something more than just friends"

you smiled "yeah. okay. i'm happy with that"

edwin smiled "me too" he then kissed you softly

you both spent the day in bed. first offical day as boyfriend and girlfriend. even though edwin was hung over, it was perfect.

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