save the walk of not so shame - a.p

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you're an aspiring artist.

drawer that is, not music.

you draw for people on instagram then send the drawings or paintings to them, if they want to buy them or someone else does.

you're from a small town, your parents would fight so much that they divorced when you were really young, she remarried about 5 years later, & you never got along with the guy. blake. "stepdad blake", yeah, right. so needless to say, art was really all you had that stuck around.

you would sell your paintings, customise them for others & make your own work.

when. a group of girls. for the boy band "prettymuch" dm you in a groupchat

"hey we're gonna be at the LA show on sunday do you think could make a drawing or painting of austin so we could gift it to him on your behalf?! i think he'd adore your work" the messaged read.

you replied "sure! send me the photo, and i'll start asap"

you got the canvas painted & met up with the supporters so they could give it to him at the show the next day.

about 12 hours later.

"hi, i'm the one you did that painting for & it's amazing! you're a serious serious talent! maybe i could take you out for dinner? to say thank you?" austin dmed you

you read the dm & smiled from ear to ear.

"actually yeah. i'd like that"

"pick a place & i'll meet you there"

you smiled "ah chic-fil-a! cant go wrong with that"

austin replies "couldn't agree more. see you there around 6?"

you nod "see you then!"

you get to chic-fil-a & met up with austin. you both get along so well, you talked until chic-fil-a closed. then went to your favourite rooftop that's open 24/7 to keep talking. it then came to 4am.

"shit. austin. i didn't realise the time. i should get going" you start to pick your bag up & rush to go

austin grabs your arm "come stay with me. you can crash at mine tonight, save the walk of not so shame"

you nod "saves me from having to explain to my stepdad why i was out so late"

austin takes your hand & sneaks you inside. you go straight to his room & fall asleep very quick.

you wake up around 10. all the boys are up & making heaps of noise. you try sneak past them but austin isn't keen on hiding it.

"whose this austin?!" they all tease

austin smiled "let her be"

he then smiled "you wanna go get breakfast? stay outta their way?"

you nod

you talk for awhile before heading home. a few weeks later, you didn't go a day without talking to austin or seeing him. you were both one person really.

he then officially asked you to be his girlfriend, introduced you to the boys & the fans & everyone handled it well. couldn't have turned out better than it did. overall, you were beyond happy.

PRETTYMUCH IMAGINES BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now