go to the end of the earth for you y/n - b.a

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you have a daughter. 15 months old, her name is lily. she's probably the best thing that's ever happened to you. you & her dad spilt up when you were 6 months pregnant with lily. he would beat you. you were extremely lucky you got out when you did. unfortunately, when lily was born you found out that when your ex left, he went back to his ex who just had twin boys that were his. obviously, he didn't want a girl. but lily? is the biggest blessing you could ever imagine.

you and brandon dated during high school for a few years, until you broke up in senior year so the both of you could take it seriously, since it was fair to say your grades weren't the best.


you had your hands full. pushing the cart full of bags from shopping with one hand and holding your daughter's hand with your other hand. and you being a klutz, run right into brandon.

"shit i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. pushing a stroller with my hand isn't the easiest" you sighed tryna pick up some of the bags as well as holding lily

lily looked at brandon "daddy?"

you look at lily "bub that's not dad that's-"

you pause when you notice it was brandon.

he just looked at you smiling "so who's this one?!"

you smiled "lily. she's my daughter. i'm sorry for this"

brandon smiled "no no, don't be. she's beautiful"

lily opened her arms to go to brandon. so, you passed her off to him. as nervous as it made you, as soon as she was in his arms, she almost looked like she belonged there..

as brandon was holding lily the other guys helped you pick everything up. you sighed "i'm sorry for this. hey we ah. come on bub, we better go"

lily started to cry and cling onto brandon when we tried to take her out of his arms.

"no ice cream with daddy and friends!" she said holding onto brandon

you look at brandon and the guys who were all nodding

you then smiled "okay. ice cream it is"

after sitting down eating some ice cream brandon and lily were still together. more or less inseparable. they were playing on the little play area outside the ice cream place.

nick looks at you "he's still crazy about you y/n. he's so natural with lily too"

you nod "i know. i just. i don't want lily hurt again. it was hard enough her dad leaving when she wasn't even here"

nick nods "i know and that couldn't of been easy. but brandon will probably go to the end of the earth for you. and now lily. he's always wanted a family. regardless if it's his DNA or not."

you nod.

you watch brandon and lily playing, you haven't seen her laugh like that in a long long time.

after they played, you asked brandon out for dinner. but. he insisted y'all ate in instead at the boys place.

turns out. being back with brandon and having another pair of hands to help with lily, in fact another 5 pair of hands, is going to be a big weight lifted.

win win for everyone.

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