if you love someone you shouldnt hurt them! - z.k

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you and zion are having an argument. which is rare for y'all. extremely rare. especially since you're best friends. but. it's unsure what you guys actually are. if you're together or just friends or just friends with benefits. but. it's an odd conversation to have because you could be completely wrong.


one night you were out with your best friend brooke & your cousin mads. you were out celebrating because your cousin was expecting a baby (no there wasn't alcohol involved at all that night btw) so, you were just going from club to club dancing & that was really that.

they dropped you off at the boys and you couldn't find zion anywhere. but. he was in bed with a chick.

you had no IDEA how to respond. so. you ran out.

by now your cousin and best friend had left so you were literally running down the street.

zion got up, chucked his boxers back on & ran after you. "y/n!"

you sighed and just kept going. until. you were over taken & he caught up.

"come back. talk to me. please. not out here."

you nod "fine."

you walk back inside and flop onto the sofa. everyone else was in bed.

you sighed "z come on."
zion shrugged "i didn't know you would react like that"
you sighed "come on! what am i to you?!"
zion sighed "the love of my life: at least i know that no-"
you cut him off "if you love someone you shouldn't hurt them!!"
zion sighed "i know i'm an idiot! but i know how i feel about you now!"
you sighed "oh yeah? so if she was good you would of left me for her? that makes me feel a lot better!"
zion sighed "no you know i didn't mean it like that!!"

you sighed "whatever. just. sleep on it. we'll talk tomorrow."

you grabbed the blanket off the back of the sofa & got comfortable. nick came downstairs during the middle of the night and saw you on the sofa. he poked your shoulder "y/n? what are you doing down here? aren't you cold?"
you shrug "ask z."

nick looks over "you mean the z that's on the other sofa? it looks like he's been down here all night too y/n"

you look over "zion... i took the sofa so you could get some sleep in the bed.. you know. your bed?"

zion sighed "nah. it ain't my bed unless you're in it. that's that."

you look over at nick "go back to bed man. we got something to sort out"

nick grabbed a glass of milk before walking up to his bed.

you sighed "how long have you been there?"

zion sighed "2 hours. you know how hard it was not to just scoop you up & put you back into my bed & hold you? i knew i shouldn't of. but i really wanted to. i love you. i really do. if i didn't, i wouldn't be down here freezing my ass off"

you smiled "glad you feel my pain. i'm freezing too. but you hurt me"

zion nods "i know. but i'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever-"

you cut him off "i get it. you won't hurt me again"

zion nods "exactly.. now can we go back upstairs it's freezing down here"

you nod.

zion scooped you up and y'all spent the rest of the night cuddling. it wasn't how you expected the argument to end but you were glad it ended that way cause there's no way in hell you could ever picture losing his headass.

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