they think our relationship is a joke austin! - a.p

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you and austin have been together for awhile and not long ago went public. it's been hard for the both of you to adjust to.

you more than austin.

you were hanging with the guys as they were live streaming.

the boys were reading some comments, they read some nice one but it's the mix they read these comments

"y/n and aust well"
"i thought she hated his guts?"
"they're serious? damn"
"oh shit.. so y/n and aust really are a thing.. well. i owe my best friend 50%"

you froze for a second and just looked at austin before you sighed "i don't like this" you sighed and stood up

maggie looks at the camera "y'all are meant to be supportive of their relationship. imagine how shit that just made y/n feel. treat them the exact same way you treat b & i."

austin nodded at what maggie said and then walked to his room where you had locked yourself in

he knocked on the door

you sighed "what?"

austin then walked in "y/n.. are you okay?"

you sighed "no i'm not not okay!"

austin sat beside you

you sighed "they think our relationship is a joke austin!"

austin grabbed onto your hands "no they don't"

you sighed moving your hands away slowly "it feels like it. if your supporters think that of me, then what do the guys and maggie think?"

austin sighed "they love you y/n"

you sighed standing up and moving over to the window "then why didn't they say anything after reading the comments? why didn't you say anything?"

austin sighed as he wrapped his arms around you "it caught me off guard as much as it did you.. i was still processing it.."

you sighed "it doesn't make me feel better austin"

austin nods "i know. it doesn't make me feel better either. but i love you. the guys & maggie love you. isn't that all we need?"

you sighed "it may be all you need but as much as you hate to admit it, they're as much of a big deal in your life as the guys. their opinion means just as much as the guys' does"

austin sighed softly "but it shouldn't"

you shrugged "but it does. without their constant support; they wouldn't of gotten you & the guys to where you are now. they're a big part of your life."

austin sighed "where does this leave us now?"

you unravel austin's arms from around your neck and spin around so you're facing him "honestly.. i haven't got a clue"

you then sat back on the bed "your supporters think our relationship is a joke, that it's something they can just bet on whether or not it'll last-"

austin cut you off "and that's exactly why we gotta prove them wrong by staying together and being us"

you look at austin "you sure it won't just end in hurt for the both of us?"

austin nods "positive. in fact, let's go talk to the fans now"

austin grabbed onto your hand and y'all walked downstairs hand in hand

austin looks at the guys "can we say something on live real quick?"

they were all nodding

you and austin sat down in front of the camera, side by side "i know if it wasn't for y'all, i wouldn't be doing what i love. i know that if it wasn't for y'all, i wouldn't of met these 4 idiots behind me. but one thing i'm most certain of is that i love y/n with my whole heart. if y'all think we're a joke then do us a favour and leave. but, we're here for the long term. whether it's what y'all want or not.. but it's definitely what-"

you cut austin off as you wipe your eyes and look at austin "we want"

austin smiled softly as he kissed you

you smiled and looked at the camera "i'm the happiest i've ever been because of him. if y'all wanna ruin that, then try. but, as we just said. we're here for the long term"

everyone's comments then started to become positive. you could see how much change it made now that the fans truly know how much you mean to austin. it was a rough live stream at first, but in the end. you couldn't be happier with how things went.

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