she loves another man but i still go back to her - n.m

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you and nick have had well a past to say the least. y'all broke up about 6 months after prettymuch started. you've stilled stayed friends, kept in contact & seen each other time to time. but. you have another friend group too. other than just the guys.

so you've been spending most of your time with them. you then started dating logan, and he knew the guys, and that nick was your ex.

but one night when logan is at work. things change...

"y'all wanna go out tonight!" z smirked
the boys all nod expect nick. nick looks at zion "not exactly"
edwin smiled "aw come on! it'll be good for you!"
nick shakes his head "nah. not tonight."

he then walked upstairs.

the boys managed to drag nick out. they would set nick up with girls constantly. but he would always mention to the boys that there's just nothing there. that she doesn't compare to you. that he will end up back with you eventually.

you watch a few movies

nick looks at brandon "i can't do it again.."

brandon looks at nick "what do you mean?"

nick sighed "i can't have y'all setting me up. i just can't"

brandon looks at nick "talk to me"

nick sighed "i love her. still. i always have. i can't. i can't drop her like that. she loves another man. but i'll still go back to her"

brandon nods "i know. but she's with logan."

nick shrugs "i know, i'm just worried one day i'll be dumb and go back to her"

the boys ended up going out and then nick showed up at my door.

you sighed and got up to open the door "logan you've got a key u-"

you opened the door "nick? what. what are you doing here"

nick sighed "we. we need to talk"

you then look at nick "nick.."

nick sighed "all my friends tried to set me up with girls i never love, i try but when the night is up i still. i still want to come back to you and well. tonight i did"

you sighed "i'm with. i'm with logan"

nick nods then kissed you.

you sighed again pulling away from nick "i'm with-"

nick jumps in "i know i just. i couldn't help it. i love you. i always have and i always will. i've tried but i'm always wanting to come back to you."

you nod "i love you too i just."

nick sighed "i know. you're with logan."

you nod and sighed looking at nick "plus you've been drinking. that doesn't help"

nick nods "i know. but i mean it."

you sighed.

nick nods "i'll come back later"

you nod and then let nick out. you sat on the sofa and sighed. you had no idea what to do. not a clue.

3am. logan got home.

"hey baby!" he kissed your cheek

you nod "hi"

logan smiled "i know you. talk to me"

you sighed "nick came over a little drunk. he said he loves me, and he can't move on. he. and we. we kissed"

logan nods "okay. do you love him?"

you nod and sigh

logan smiled "i knew this would happen. he's always had a place in your heart"

you nod "he has."

logan smiled kissing your forehead for one last time "go after him"

you nod.

you went to the boys place and knock on the door. it was late but you couldn't wait.

brandon opens the door "NICK"

nick ran downstairs "what's the noise for"

brandon points to the door

you smiled waving at nick. he came downstairs and then walked outside. "talk to me"

you itch your head "i talked to logan. we've broken up"

nick looks at you "huh?"

you nod "yeah. i love you. he understood. we agreed that him & i rushed into it. and we're still friends but yeah"

nick smiled "so are we?"

zion smirked "y'all better be!! i'm sick of nick's moping ass"

nick smiled "hm thanks for that"

you smiled softly "i've missed this"

nick smiled softly "me too"

nick then smiled "will you be my girlfriend"

you smiled "of course!"

you and nick kissed again causing everyone to go "oooo" and "ewww" both at the same time. you were beyond glad to be surrounded by people who made you laugh so so much & so happy. finally felt like you were home. you couldn't be happier

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