it's the fact that my life ain't complete without yours- z.k

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you and zion have been seeing each other for awhile now. but not serious. you found out about 2-3 weeks ago that your boyfriend of 2 years was cheating on you, and once y'all broke up. you went to a party with your best friend who introduced you to zion. and you've been hooking up with him ever since. he's your rebound. and he's okay with that. well. you thought he was.

you just had a really rough morning. your ex was blowing up your phone with texts & calls and at this point, you just wanted to forget. so.
you text zion. he replied asap. and you headed over to his. y'all hooked up then fell asleep. you both woke up to edwin knocking in the door

"z!! wake the hell up. we have to go live soon to play phases!" he kept banging on the door
zion nods "yup yup, i'm getting there." he then turns to look at you "stay"
you shake your head "i shouldn't. i've overstayed my welcome as it is.." you started to get up and get dressed
zion then threw one of his hoodies at you "okay. you can go. but put this on, it's cold out"
you nod "i'll see you later. have fun with the livestream!"

you then went downstairs and waved goodbye to the guys and headed home.

you had been home for about 10 minutes when you got the notification that they were live on the PM acc. so. you watch it.

you're jamming along to the song, watching them just have a blast. then. zion goes out of frame. which, makes you suspicious but you keep watching. he then came back into frame for his rap. which. well you were about to start feeling really bad.

"even though you ain't mine it's the fact that i'm yours
it's the fact that my life ain't complete without yours"

zion sung with extra well force: which got your attention. you then clicked. "shit." you sigh

you then slowly sung over the lyrics again "even though you ain't mine it's the fact that i'm yours- shit. i'm not his because i'm using him as a rebound and won't make a move when he's mine cause he's always there-"

you continued going "it's the fact that my life isn't"

you sighed softly looking at the livestream "complete without yours"

you then get off the livestream and head back to the guys place. they're about 20 minutes away from yours. so you text zion a heads up. "i'm on my way back. we gotta talk"

zion shows the text to brandon and he nods "sorry y'all. zion's just gotta go check on something quick"

zion gets out of frame and mouths "thank you"

you get to the boys place. zion was waiting on the doorstep. you parked your car and got out & sat beside him. "i'm- i'm sorry. i didn't. i didn't know you felt that way"

zion sighed "it's causal to you, a rebound etc like i get it. but to me. it's more than that"

you sighed softly "maybe it's more than that for me too..."

zion looks at you "i'm not tryna pressure you though. you just got out of a long rough-"

you cut him off "zion. he moved on. what's saying i can't?"

zion nods "nothing. but i'm saying, i don't want. i don't want you hurt again"

you look at zion "would i still be here if i thought that was a chance?"

zion looks at you "well we do keep coming back to each other"

you nod "maybe this is the reason"

zion smiled "just maybe"

you & zion then kissed. "come inside, you don't have to be in the stream yet, but"

you nod "yeah, i'll come in. i'll just be behind the camera"

zion smiled softly "sounds good to me"

as the stream went on, everyone kept noticing how zion kept looking to the side. so everyone kept questioning it

but. a few months later you and zion were offical. & you couldn't of been happier with how everyone handled it

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