spotlight - e.h

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you've known edwin for as long as you can remember, no one makes you happier than him and no one understands you more than he does.

it's fair enough to say he's your other half.

until. he tries to take things further.

"i want there to be an us. i want you to be my girlfriend y/n" edwin smiled

your heart sunk. you wanted to say yes, because you've wanted that for ages, but the whole being in the "spotlight" just isn't you. it never has been.

you sighed "ed. i don't think i can do it. i want to, i do. but."

edwin nods "spotlight."

you nod "i'm sorry."

you walk outside to give edwin some space considering you more or less just rejected him.

nick comes and sits beside you "you sure there's not something else going on?"

you shake your head "no no. i want to be with him, more than anything. i just don't know how the fans will react"

nick smiled "y/n. you have known each other for years, from day one the whole fandom has thought y'all are dating. it won't be any different. other than them now knowing that you are dating"

you nod and scoff "i hate when you're right..."

you walk inside. and back over to we're edwin was


edwin looks at you "yes?"

you smiled "i'll be your girlfriend"

edwin smiled from ear to ear before picking you up and spinning you around. i think it was safe to say, that that's definitely what he wanted to hear

you spent the rest of the day just in awe that it was finally official.

y'all were close of course before hand but now knowing what y'all actually are, it made you feel so much better & in ways that didn't quite make sense but yet it was perfect?

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