say you love me, but don't wanna be with me - n.m

969 19 0

you and nick hardly fight, but when you do... well. it's obvious.

you live with the boys. you & nick are so close, you've always been. but, when you both fight, it's not. well it doesn't end well.

you had just been out with your best friend tom, but. turns out, when you bring tom back to the boys place. it doesn't go down well.

you wave to tom "goodbye, i'll talk to you later!"

tom smiled "love you!"

you smiled "love you too"

you then close the door. and turn around and see nick staring at you. you sighed "nick.."

nick sighed "you say you love me but don't wanna be with me but then you go around talking like that to your quote on quote best friend!"

you sighed "nick."

nick sighed "don't nick me! i'm your best friend too! and remember you live here with me? when you ex kicked you out?"

you sighed "i know and i'll forever be thankful for that but-"

nick cut you off "but what?!"

you sighed "but i'm allowed to hangout with whoever i want! it doesn't mean i think of you any different.."

nick sighed "well it feels that way! what makes him any better than me?" nick then started to walk upstairs to his room

you sighed grabbing onto his arm "no that's not- that's not... nick"

nick sighed "no okay. i haven't. i can't argue right now"

you sighed and flopped onto the sofa. great talk that was.

zion then sits beside you "it's obvious when y'all fight. but at the moment what's even more obvious is he really loves you y/n."

you sighed looking at zion "aren't you supposed to be the cheeky one? not the smart one?"

zion smiled "who said i can't be both?"

you look at zion "not to point z."

zion then nods "sorry, got off track. but, he loves you y/n. more than just a friend like you feel for tom. more than that. he adores you"

you look at zion "if you're right i'm buying you shoes or something.. cause hell that never happens.." you then nod "but yeah, i'll go talk to him"

zion smirks "deal!"

you then roll your eyes. that's the zion you were expecting and walk up to nicks room. the door was slightly open, you knock.

"go away b. i don't need a lecture on how outta sorts that wa-" you cut nick off "ah sorry to disappoint but not b"

nick nods

you sighed "we needa talk."

nick shrugs "i said i don't want to argue"

you sighed "nick. zion told me how you feel.. yes zion, shocking i know but.. is he right?"

nick looks at you "well that depends on what he said"

you look at nick "that you adore me and love me more than just a friend"

nick nods "as confusing as it is to say, he's right. i love you. so much"

you sighed "i love you too. not like i love tom. nick, he can't compare. you're- he's-"

at this point you just couldn't word it the way you wanted to so you paused. and sighed again "well he's not you, nick.."

nick looks at you "really? you mean that?"

you nod "yes. you've been there through everything. warning me that my ex was bad news before i even knew it, then when i found it out the hard way of course, you didn't say i told you so once. you stuck by me. you offered a roof over my head. constant support from you & the other 4 losers in this house. nothing can replace that nick... especially not tom."

nick smiled softly as he grabbed onto your hands "then why did this take so long?" he then kisses you

you smiled as you pull away "guess you'll have to ask again to find out"

he then kisses you again.

you smiled "so we're okay?"

nick nods "always"

you smiled softly as you both headed back downstairs and watch some movies with the guys before both heading to bed. you started off in your bed alone, but at some point nick ended up in it... but. you can't complain, after all, you didn't turn him down.

but considering what was a rough day didn't end as bad as you were expecting.

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