i know its stupid. after all this. but i love you. - z.k

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you had just been through what was safe to say was the hardest experience of your life. but. zion was there through it all.

he would come to every appointment, would make sure you weren't isolated, made sure you were still doing what you loved.

and that. made you realise he's so much more to you than what you thought he was.

you were watching the boys rehearsals. zion thought it would be good for you to watch and join in whenever  you felt like it, so you could get a dance class kinda experience but in a safe environment but also around everyone you know. especially since you had spent the last 5 weeks in a hospital bed.

zion smiled from ear to ear as he was watching you.

you stop and see zion looking at you in the mirror, after a good 10 seconds eye contact; zion smiled "can we talk y/n?"
you nod "yeah of course"

you walk off to the little living area/kitchen connected to the studio "what's up?"
zion smiled "i ah. i have to tell you something"
you smiled "you're my best friend z. you can tell me anything. you know that"
zion nods "after the whole transplant thing i wasn't sure you'd be ready for this"
you smiled "you were there when they said i'm recovering a lot faster than most who have just had a heart transplant. talk to me."
zion nods "i know it's stupid. after all this. but i love you."
you smiled "i love you too z. you're my best-"
"no more than that" zion cut you off
you look at zion "wait? really?"
zion nods "yeah after all this time i've spent with you in hospital & recovering it's brought me closer to you and made me realise just how much you mean to me"
you sighed "z.."
zion smiled "no it's okay! you've been through a lot and i get it if you don't feel the same"

you smiled "but i do. it's probably not the best timing, that's all"
zion smiled "i'm okay with that. as long as you know how i really feel, then i'm happy"

you smiled "we can be something more when i'm back at home"
zion nods "noted and agreed. i'll be counting down the days!"

you smiled softly at zion.

he was with you through it all. before the surgery, after the surgery, during the recovery. of course the other boys came to see you too but zion would literally fall asleep at your bed side, he wouldn't leave unless he really had too. and that.

that meant the world.

zion. he's something else. you were beyond glad you both felt like you could be more than friends. which was a good thing because it couldn't of came at a better time! more inspiration and motivation to get better faster!

PRETTYMUCH IMAGINES BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now