i said get the fuck out! - n.m

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you & luke have had a rough past. you dated for a few years but then broke up due to your parents not approving of y'all and more or less splitting you up. then you met nick.

nick made you forget about luke. in a good way. just being around nick felt so much better and different than being around luke. until. shit went down.

nick and the boys are over at your apartment for the day it's about 11am. you hear a knock on your door and get up go answer it.

it's luke.

you looked at him "what are you doing here?"
luke smirks "getting you back y/n!"
you sighed "you hurt me. i haven't forgot that"
luke smirks "maybe you should. come back with me. let me prove to you you should be with me and not wanna be with that loser in the back"
you sighed as you turned around and saw nick  tensed up "luke. drop it."
luke scoffs "nah ain't gonna happen." he walks in and over to nick and gets all in is face

you sighed "luke get out"
you sighed again "seriously drop it. the two of you"
nick scoffed "okay so let me get this right. you fucked up with y/n in the past, you lost her. you came back into her life when she had finally moved on and you got all butt hurt when you saw her with me? you know how low that is dude"
luke rolled his eyes "let's go" he stepped forward

nick punched him. "she said get out"

you screamed "nick! luke! stop it!"

luke started fighting back, causing a big scene.

you sighed "stop!!" you started to cry

so. then boys came stairs and jumped in.

zion and edwin jumped in separating nick and luke.

zion pulled luke away and threw him out the door "if i see you at this house again, i'll beat your ass"
edwin pulled nick away
and brandon was comforting you

you sighed "just when i was over him and happy he pulls this shit!"

luke walks back in and throws one more punch at nick

you push nick and luke apart. you take one look at luke and punch him with everything you have "i said get the fuck out!"

you sighed as your knuckles were a mess.

but luke finally left.

nick pulls you into a hug "with our watch he won't hurt you again"
you sighed looking at the mess on his face and hands "nick.."
nick smiled "bub i'm okay"

you both hugged for a good minute. then started to watch movies together and just chill out of the rest of the day. since it was very eventual.

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