girl don't trip!! you're the only one he's messing with - a.p

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your quite close with most of austin's friends. you & austin met through a mutual friend; jeff. so you're quite close with jeff as well as the other guys.

you had been a little worried the last few days about things with you & austin. you had read all these "conspiracy theories" about your relationship from the fans. and it definitely wasn't helping how you felt.

you had been catching up with jeff over at your place since you hadn't seen him in a few days cause you wouldn't go to the place.

you opened your phone and showed jeff the tweet it read "aust gotta be using her to make himself look good cause no one in their right mind would go after her unless she's his side piece 🤔😂"

you sighed and looked at jeff as he was reading it "do you think this is true?"

jeff looks at the tweet then at you "y/n!"

you sighed "what."

jeff smiled softly "girl don't trip!! you're the only one he's messing with!"

you sighed "then why are they saying this kinda shit? "

jeff shrugs "i'm not sure y/n.. maybe that's something you should talk to aust about"

you look at jeff "i don't know if i can. he's finally starting to be more "accepted" so to speak. i don't wanna ruin that. or ruin us by asking him when there could be noting there."

jeff smiled "nothing there? girl he's crazy about you!"

you shrug "guess there's only one way to find out"

jeff nods "indeed. let's go!"

you look at jeff "huh? it's almost midnight. don't you wanna be human and go to bed before the sunrises?"

jeff smiled and laughed sarcastically and smiled again "you need this y/n. you know sleeping on it will make you overthink it more"

you rolled your eyes "i hate you sometimes"

jeff smiled as y'all headed to the boys place. you had no idea what to expect. especially since you've been more or less avoiding austin. time will tell.

jeff walks in and you kinda just follow closely hoping no one will notice.

austin rushes over to you and picks you up and spins you are "y/n! i haven't seen you in days. everything okay?!"

you mumbled "that didn't work."

austin puts you down and looks at you "huh?"

you shake your head "ah nothing." you then continue like nothing happened "and yeah. i guess i've just been busy"

jeff looks at you and nods.

you glare at him before looking back at austin "i ah. i think. we have to talk"

austin nods.

you walked up to his room. the boys were all downstairs so you didn't exactly want them to hear but it was too cold to go outside.

"are we okay?" you stood in the door way as you look at austin

austin sat on the bed "yeah, of course we are! why wouldn't we be?"

you look at austin "the posts... were not. well who knows what we are but everything everyone is saying is.. it's a lot austin."

austin nods "i can imagine that it is. but we've got something good & special. i don't wanna mess with that"

you then pause and look at austin "so as jeff said, i'm the only one you're messing with?"

austin smiled "wouldn't be the way i would word it but yes. you're the only one"

you nod "okay. i hope so."

austin smiled "i wouldn't be talking to you right now if i had anyone else on my radar so to speak.. jeff would mess me up"

you giggled a little "yeah he would"

austin then giggled and looked at you "i've missed having you around here you know" he signals you over to sit beside him

you then sit beside austin on the bed "me too" you then lean into his chest.

you spent the rest of the night catching up with each other it was exactly what you needed!

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