we try and we try, but we never make time- a.p

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you and austin really struggle when the boys are on tour. your relationship when he's here is perfect, it's how you want it to be, how you dreamt of it being. it couldn't be better. you adore him. but, when he's on tour. it's even harder.

y'all facetime when you can, and text when you can but sometimes you go weeks without hearing his voice. and it's not easy.

after 3 months on tour, he's finally home.

austin hugs you as tight as he could "i missed you!!"

you smiled "i missed you more"

austin puts his arm around you "we try and we try but we never make time"

you nod "i know. it's been. it's been a hard last 3 months. that's for sure."

austin nods "it has. but. we're here now"

you nod "exactly"

the boys then settle back into their place after tour and austin was being weird. i mean austin is always weird but it was a different kind of weird.

you look at zion "how was he during tour?"

zion shrugs "it's austin. he adores you y/n. but i think only he can answer that"

you nod, edwin then jumps in "he's been a mess. every time he can't contact you he would lose it, he would snap at the smallest things. you're his world y/n."

you nod then sigh "so is his career ed. if i'm a distraction for him then that's the last thing i want"

austin overheard your last comment. he then grabs onto your hand "talk outside?"

you nod and followed him outside by the pool

austin sighed looking at you "you were not and aren't a distraction"

you sighed "then why does it feel like it aust? the boys said you would snap at every little thing when you can't get in contact with me. do i really affect you like that?"

austin sighed "babe it's not a bad thing. i just. it didn't feel right going a day without talking or texting you. i missed you like crazy."

you nod "i did too.. but i don't think i snapped like that... and ever since you've walked back in that door you've been acting off.."

austin nods "this was gonna wait until our anniversary but. no time better than right now i guess"

he then gets down onto one knee and pulls a ring box out of his denim jacket pocket

you start crying immediately due to being in shock "aust.. i..."

austin smiled "y/n. i adore you. i love you so much. and being on tour and both of us being so busy made me realise just how much i need you around, how much you mean to me, how much you help me through things, how much. how much you play in my life. i love you. and i-" he paused to wipe his eyes
then continued "i can't think of a better way to spend the rest of life than with you. i love you y/n. will you marry me?"

by now you were sobbing. you weren't expecting this day to take this turn, in fact you were expecting the total opposite. but.

you smiled softly as tears were falling down your face "yes! 100% baby!! i love you so much!"

he placed the ring on your finger then spun you around, you were so in the moment you didn't notice the boys were watching, who were all also crying at this point.

austin smiled softly "i couldn't be happier. i love you"

you smiled kissing austin before spending the rest of the night calling your closest friends telling them what happened and how excited y'all are and how beautiful the ring is. you literally couldn't be happier

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