you dont have to have a brave face in front of me.. - b.a (loong)

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you and brandon are reasonably close, i mean you are with all of the guys to be honest. they're always there when you need them. some more than others.. and i think you're about to see why..

you had just gotten back to your apartment. it was about 12am. you had a long 12 hour shift at work and just wanted to sleep. you went into your room to find that well. someone else was there.

"i've been waiting for you to come home" he smirks

you tense up "get out."

he pauses "no. you owe me money! your dad owes me money! i ain't leaving until i get it!"

you sighed "he's dead because of you... he doesn't owe you any money! get out."

he scoffs "see love. he's dead cause he owed me money. be smarter than your father and cough it up"

you had no idea your dad got into that much trouble when you weren't around. guess your mom was right when she said you were the glue.

you sighed "fine! i'll give you the money. but give me 72 hours."

he nods "fine. but if $10,000 is not in my hands by then someone's gonna get it"

you nod "well can't be my family or friends, i ain't got none left"

he nods "hm.. but that band.. especially that bond you have with... brandon" he smirks

he then walked out. you knew your dad was in a mess. but this. this was too much. you didn't feel safe to go to sleep in your apartment, so you reach out to brandon. well whoever would pick up.

you would hate bothering brandon with these things. especially how he can react sometimes. although you care about him the most, he's normally the last to know. especially when it's his life on the end of it.

you sighed texting edwin "call me. i need you asap."

edwin called. "hey!"

you sighed and caught edwin up on everything

he nods "i'll be on my way right now!"

you sighed "keep your voice down. i don't want b to hear"

edwin nods "he won't. trust me"

edwin grabs his keys and rushes to yours. and greets you with a hug as soon as he sees you "grab your things. let's get you out of here"

you nod and pack some things fast before jumping into edwin's car

you sighed "he threatened y'all.. this probably isn't the best idea"

edwin looks at you "if i let you go back to your place and brandon found out what happened, he will kill me. you have no other option."

you sighed "fine. but don't tell b. let's just say i'm there for some other reason."

edwin nods "if that's what you want"

you nod "it is"

edwin then nods as y'all pull up into the driveway

you sighed. you were just hoping brandon wasn't up. you didn't want to have him question it, because to be honest, you had no idea how he would handle it.

you walk in and brandon was nowhere to be seen. so you let out a little sigh of relief.

brandon then came downstairs "y/n. what's up?"

you sighed "it doesn't matter b.."

brandon looks at you "you don't have to have a brave face in front of me"

you sighed "i do b. especially when it's your life on the-"

you cut yourself off, you didn't want to make him mad.

brandon grabs into your arm "you know i hate when you lie. especially when it's to my face. plus it's now 2am. somethings up"

you sighed "you remember my dad?"

brandon nods "i only met him a few times, but he was a really good guy"

you sighed "he was in some pretty.. pretty hardcore shit.. he was shot by a gang member because he owed them money.."

brandon's jaw dropped "really? i wouldn't of picked him for that kind of thing.."

you nod "neither.. but. the guy came over to mine and was there waiting when i had finished work.. and threatened us, i have 72 hours to cough up $10,000 or... well who knows."

brandon pulled you into a hug. he was holding you really tight. you could tell he was losing it a little.

you pull away from brandon. he looks at you "i'm not gonna let that fool even touch you.. we'll help you get the cash come with you"

you sighed "you have a whole career b. i'm not gonna let you maybe throw that away to clean up my dads mess.."

the other guys then joined in

"we will do all we can to help you out of this" edwin smiled
"so you feel safe to go back home" nick smiled
"so you don't feel like you have to go about this stuff alone" austin smiled
"so we can be there to beat the guys ass if he fucks it up" zion smiled

you smiled softly. "thank you."

brandon pulled you back into a hug "we'll clear your family name if it's the last-"

you cut brandon off "it won't be. i will make sure of that. y'all ain't getting hurt cause of my father's shit. not on my watch."

3 days passed. you and the boys got the money. you took $2,500 out of your savings for a house, and the boys each gave you $1,500. which of course you'd pay back every cent.

but it made you realise just how much you care for these guys. that you would do the exact thing for them within a heartbeat.

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