everybody got somebody on the low - z.k

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you and zion haven't been right for awhile. you just didn't know why.

your best friend amy could tell something was up. you live with her and have known for awhile, so she can always tell when something is up.

amy looks at you "i know something is up y/n. you're like a sister to me,, talk to me."

you sighed softly "it's nothing okay. i gotta get ready to go to work.."

amy looks at you "you haven't been to work all week.."

you shrug "it was nothing. okay. i'm gonna go to work, and let's leave it at that"

amy sighed "y/n."

you sighed "okay fine! i can't stand to see zion."

amy looks at you "he's your best friend"

you sighed "then why is things going the way they are?! i can't even go to work because i know i'll be near him. he comes into order food or coffee almost every day.."

amy itches her head "you can't not go worried you'll bump into him.."

you sighed softly "that's why going now. can you let me go?"

amy itches her head again "everybody got somebody on the low.."

you look at amy confused "huh?"

amy looks at you "you know what i mean.."

you shrug "no i don't.."

amy looks at you "so you don't have a backup or anything?"

you shake your head "no. i have eyes for him and only him. does he have eyes for someone else though cause if he does i don't know if i can-"

amy cuts you off "i'm sure he doesn't. i'm sorry i put that idea in your head but if you see him when you're at work you can always ask" she smiled slightly

you scoffed "you are unbelievable"

amy smiled softly "you love me though!"

you nodded and then went to work. you were half way through your shift and had about 10 minutes before you were to go on your break. you were wiping down the counter when someone approached "hey what can i get-"

you look up and it was zion "zion.. what are you doing here?"

zion smiled "about to order food"

you look at zion "usual?"

zion nods "ah after that, have you got a minute?"

you sighed "no, i just got back from my break so i have to keep working"

your manager smiled softly "y/n you've got 5 minutes until your first break"

you look at your manager then back at zion "ah. then i guess i do."

you handed the food and coffee to zion.

you then sighed and sat in front of zion. he then looks at you "what's going on? honestly?"

you shake your head "nothing okay."

zion took your hands "y/n."

you sighed "fine. people have been putting shut in my head. that's all."

zion looks at you "how so?"

you sighed "your fans saying it's only a second before you up and leave me. amy saying that everyone has somebody on the low.."

zion looks at you "why?"

you shrug "i don't know.."

zion smiled "i haven't got anyone other than you. i can assure you that!"

you look at zion "yeah? that's what i said to amy."

zion smiled softly "i love you"

you smiled and nod "i love you too. idiot"

zion smiled "come here you fool"

you smiled and stood up and you and zion hugged. it was exactly what you needed to hear and it was safe to say you needed a hug from him. as soon as you hugged him, all your worries were gone. was pretty safe to say you felt safe in that idiots arms.

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