tryna figure your worth, what the hell does that cost? - b.a

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you have had, well a rough few years and that ain't no lie. and it never got easier. from bulling so bad in college you had to drop out. to your parents divorce. to losing your dad to cancer. to being rejected by other colleges you applied to. to just feeling the worst you've felt since high school. you just lost yourself really. so. you decided why not lose it even more.

you went to the club with a few of your friends, rosie & ashton. of course they left within 10 minutes and did their own thing. never go to a club with a couple.

brandon and the guys were there. just celebrating phases hitting 1 million streams.. when brandon notices you having a hard time.

he looks at nick "she look okay to you?" he then points to you
nick shakes his head "not in the slightest"
"she's alone" edwin adds
"go make sure she's okay" austin jumps in
whilst zion was elsewhere doing who knows what with who knows who.

brandon approaches you.. he grabs onto your arm "tryna find a new you but i heard you got lost"

you look at him "oh you have no idea"

"tryna figure your worth?" he looks at you again

you nod and before you could say anything he speaks again "what the hell does that cost?"

you sighed "just however much this bottle of tequila is"

brandon sighed "hey.."

you sighed softly "it's true."

brandon shakes his head "i'll tell you. you're worth everything y/n. you always have been. always. whether you know it or not."

you sighed "you don't even know me.. how do you even know my name & shouldn't you be over there with another girl or something?"

brandon shakes his head "i asked the bartender and she knew you by name & you had me worried. so i'm gonna be here"

you sighed "no. go do somethin better"

brandon shakes his head "i ain't leaving your side. not until i know you're okay!"

you nod "i'm doing greaaaat" you slur.

brandon looks over at the guys who are nodding. he then looks at you & sighs "we're taking you home"

brandon then takes you back to your best friends place. he sits you on the sofa and looks over at your best friend lia, who was a little confused. "i saw her when i was at the bar & talked to the bartender & she knew her by name, so i approached her. she's going through a lot by the sounds of it"

lia sighed and looks at you "thank you! she really is."

brandon nods "well. i'll leave you be. i just wanted to make sure she got home okay"

lia smiled "thank you.. you're?"

"brandon" he smiled softly. "text me when she wakes up? i just wanna know she's okay" he hands lia his number

lia smiled "why don't you stay? she might want you to"

brandon shakes his head "she doesn't know me, and by the sounds of it, this isn't what she needs"

lia smiled "for her to even let you take her home, it says enough as it is... so you don't know"

brandon nods "okay.."

he then sat beside you on the sofa. "have you got a blanket?"

lia nods and hands brandon a blanket big enough for the two of you "i'll leave you with her. kitchen is that way & bathroom is the first door on the left"

brandon nods "thank you" he then places the blanket over the two of you. "how'd you end up here.."

you heard brandon. so you decided to answer. "well lets see. my parents divorced when i was 9, i was bullied all throughout school and it got so bad that i dropped out of college. my dad passed away a year ago from cancer. lia is the only person i have other than my mom. so. that's. that's how."

brandon sighed softly "y/n."

you sighed "don't. don't give me sympathy..."

brandon sighed "but it's not sympathy. i care."

you sighed "you met me what 4 hours ago?"

brandon grabs your hand "yeah. but. i know you deserve more than this. way more."

you and brandon talked more. he ended up being better than you thought. your expectations weren't high cause you met him at a bar, but. he was. well. your happy ever after, really..

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