i know you're hiding something... - b.a

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you & brandon are in different areas of the US right now. you're in LA, he's on tour. all over the US. shortly after he left, about a week later, you started to feel sick. you had no idea why, another week later and after talking to your sister who already had a little boy, she thought you possibly could be pregnant so you decided to take a pregnancy test.

you were BEYOND stressed at what would happen if it was positive.

you brought the best one on the market. a digital one. it would tell an estimate of how far along you were.

you flipped it over. but you couldn't look at it, so your sister did first.

she then started screaming. you look at your sister. she was crying "y/n.."

you reached for the test, shaking like crazy. "pregnant 3-4 weeks"

your heart dropped. you weren't expecting this at all.

you look at your sister megan "meg. he JUST left for tour."
meg nods "i know i know. but the doctor said to me when i had jacob that you shouldn't really tell anyone until at least 3 months. so they can make sure everything is okay for both you & the baby"

you nod "okay okay. i'll see the doctor asap & then go from there"

2 months later. you're now 3 months pregnant. you live in baggy clothes, so it wasn't noticeable, especially on facetime.

he had two shows left. NY, LA. the two that sold out the fastest.

you had your 3 months scan, they were able to tell the gender, but. you wanted your sister to surprise you with it.

"it's a girl"

you teared up. you became a right mess "he's gonna be such a good dad to a baby girl"

your sister hugged you "that he will y/n. that he will"

you both headed into target to get a little onesie so you can announce it to brandon once he gets home. it read "mom & dad's princess"

brandon got home. three days later.

he walked in. he immediately knew something was up.

"i know you're hiding something"

you shake your head

brandon looks at you "i've known you almost all your life y/n. spill it."

you shook your head.

5 minutes later after trying to convince brandon you weren't hiding something, you decided to be open about it. you couldn't hold it in any longer.

you then got the gift "yeah i am.. this is it"

your sister was filming. & the boys were all there cause he had not long got back home from the tour so they were all at your place since brandon couldn't wait to see you, so everyone was there: which, was perfect in this situation.

he opened it and immediately started to cry "bub.. you're?"

you nod "3 months. a little baby girl"

he stood straight up and wrapped you into a big big hug and kissed your stomach "hey little one. it's your dada. i can't wait to meet you baby girl"

you wipe brandon's eyes as he was kneeling down

you smiled "family of 3"

you both hugged each other while the other guys started to lose it "BRANDONS A DAD. BRANDONS A DAD" they kept screaming

you smiled looking down at brandon who was still on his knees. you could tell he was in disbelief. "our little miracle"

he knew y'all weren't trying, but it was a relief to see that he was ready for it, which helped kept you calm too.

best reaction you could of possibly asked for.

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