maybe i've been distant because i realised i love him! - n.m

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you & nick have been close for awhile. but. you're starting to fall for him. HARD.

and brandon picks up on it. pretty fast to be honest.

"i can't hang out today" you say to nick on facetime
nick pouted "why not?!"
you smiled "i ah. i have to do a photo shoot"
brandon buts in "after though!"
you smiled "b- i said i can't. i gotta go"
nick nods "okay!! call me later!"

you sighed hanging up. it was hard being away from him. you adore him. but you don't know what to do. he's your best friend. nick. you're falling for your best friend.

brandon smiled "hey i gotta go do a few things but i'll be back tonight!"
nick nods "okay! can you get me some candy?"
brandon nods "sure thing"

before you knew it, there was a knock at the door.
you started to stand up "nick i said i have a photo-"

you opened the door & it was brandon.

you looked at him "b.."

brandon let himself in closing the door after "you don't just avoid him y/n. there has to be something going on here"

you sighed "b.. please."

brandon sighed "i'm here because i care about nick. i don't him hurt y/n. he's like a brother to me. you know that. so. spill. i'm not stupid"

you sighed "i never said you were i just.."

"just what?" brandon looked at you

you sighed then snapped "maybe i've been distant because i realised i love him!"

brandon smiled "you shouldn't have to be distant about it. i'm pretty sure he loves you too"

you sighed "as you said, i don't wanna hurt him."

brandon shakes his head "you know i didn't mean it like that"

you sighed "but you did. i know what y'all think of me.. you think i'll be his best friend when y'all are small, then as soon as y'all start to blow up, i'll try get with him, be more than friends and when i get denied i'll take off.. cause that's what everyone else did huh?"

brandon shakes his head "if we really thought of you like that would we still have you around today? you know us too y/n. you know we won't just boot you like that"

you sighed "sometimes it's hard to tell. sometimes it all feels like an act"

brandon shakes his head "what the love nick has for you is an act? y/n you're the one that does acting.. incase you've forgotten. you know nick wouldn't do that to anyone.. especially you."

you look at brandon "you think? you think he genuinely likes me?"

brandon nods "he has since day one. he was just waiting on you to act on it because he's been worried that you're the one acting about them feelings."

you smiled "great minds think alike hey"

brandon nods "more like minds that have been around each other too long. but seriously y'all needa talk"

you get a lift with brandon back to the boys place. you walk in & go straight to nick. you didn't wanna beat around the bush cause you know how much both of y'all hate that. "i love you"

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