i'm coming bub dont worry! - e.h (long)

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you and edwin have a little 8 month old boy together. you live with the guys. it's hard work but, you wouldn't have it any other way. 4 free in house baby sitters, who wouldn't love that?

you woke up one morning feeling really unwell. so, edwin decided he would step up

you went to roll over and edwin wasn't there. he was in the garage making music with the guys. so, he was busy.

you itched your eyes and sighed "i had a baby 8 months and i'm sick again this shit really isn't fun"

maggie overheard you and she peeped her head in through the door "everything okay in here?"

you smiled softly at her because she came to check on you "i wish. i woke up feeling horrible this morning. i haven't felt that way since-"

maggie came in and shut the door and sat beside you. you both kept the pause for a little while "since luca" you say at the same time

you look at maggie "no i can't be"

maggie looks at you "when was the last time you had your period?"

you paused as you opened your clue app to check "a month and a half ago..."

maggie looks at you "get up, get some clothes on, i'll get one of your spears out and put it on the counter. you take it whilst i get luca"

you nod.

you rushed out of bed and peed on the stick. first morning pee. you were extremely nervous. not like you didn't want another baby with edwin because he's the most adorable dad but the fact you didn't want them quite so close. you ideally didn't want to start trying until luca was at least one.

you left the stick on the counter whilst you went down to meet maggie who already had luca up and waiting.

you sighed "if it's positive?"

maggie smiled "you and edwin make the best parents! if it is, luca will be one and a half. it's a good gap"

you sighed "two under two living already in a house of 7? 8 including when you're here"

maggie smiled "don't overthink until you look at that test"

you nod.

you, luca and maggie went upstairs into yours and edwin's bathroom to check the test.

you flip it over.


your heart sunk, maggie smiled from ear to ear

you had no idea how you were gonna handle it, how you were gonna tell edwin. you were stressing a lot. and you're a stressful person as it is so. it wasn't a good situation

maggie grabbed luca off of you "just sit down and breathe. then we can decide how to tell edwin"

you nod and took 10 minutes to yourself, then went through a pinterest feed when an idea popped up.

it was a photo of a baby in its crib with balloons around it saying "you're gonna be a big ____"

you smiled from ear to ear and showed maggie.

she helped you by gettin the balloons and setting it all up. you put luca down for his nap like normal. the boys came inside and ate some lunch then luca woke up.

you look over at edwin

edwin nods "i'm coming bub don't worry!"

you smiled softly as you started to tear up as you followed edwin with the camera to get his reaction.

he flicked the light on and saw the balloons that read "big bother!" & "baby #2"

he turned around in complete shock with tears all over his face "baby? are you?"

you nod as you wiped your tears "i'm pregnant! maggie was there when i took the test: i have morning sickness, that's why i woke up feeling so bad"

edwin pulled you into the biggest hug before picking up luca and spinning him around giving him the biggest kiss and telling him all about his new brother or sister.

it made your heart melt. you cut the camera and then headed back into the living room before telling everybody else:

you were terrified at first but being around the most amazing people ever, helped a whole of a lot. baby number 2! what a good way to end what felt like was gonna be a very long day!

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