who's this - n.m (loong)

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you and nick are ex's. you found the break up really hard but nick didn't. it was very rough. really rough.

you called things off due to him cheating on you. it wasn't easy to make that decision but, you knew it was what's best for you.

you and nick are barely on speaking terms. due to him being an ass when things were called off. it's been a few months, so you were hoping he'd moved past it.

the guys had just released rock witchu and you wanted to congratulate them.

so you text nick "congrats on the new song! hope it's doing well on the charts😊"

nick replied "who's this??"

your heart sunk a little when you saw the text.

you sighed and replied "y/n"

nick replies "it's been awhile"

you sighed softly and just didn't reply. you had no idea how to handle it.

nick replies again "i'm sorry."

you sighed and just locked your phone. you had no idea how to handle what had just happened. you thought you were ready to speak to him, but you really weren't.

nick sighed and looked at his phone "that's odd"

brandon looks at nick "what's up?"

nick looks at brandon "y/n texted me. saying congrats on rock witchu and i ah. i kinda-"

zion cut nick off "you didn't have her number saved anymore did you?"

nick shakes his head

edwin joins in "bet that didn't go down well"

nick shakes his head "once she said who it was, i said that it's been a long time and then she didn't reply so then i texted her again saying i'd been awhile and well. still no reply."

austin looks at nick "it could still be raw for her"

brandon joins in "i love the both of you but you really did hurt her.."

nick nods "i know. and i feel like an asshole still to this day"

edwin looks at nick "wait does she still live near rhyan??"

nick shrugs "i don't know. as i said, we haven't spoken in ages.."

brandon nods "i'll call him"

he walked upstairs and gave rhyan a call on facetime "hey!!"

rhyan smiled "what's up?!"

brandon smiled "not much! hey quick question! does y/n still live in the complex that's a few buildings down from your apartment complex?"

rhyan nods "yeah! i saw her the other day with levi!"

nick was listening at the door. "levi??" he walked in

brandon looks at nick "you were meant to be downstairs"

brandon then turned the camera so it's just nick in the shot

rhyan nods "she contacted him didn't she? he doesn't look good"

brandon nods "tell me about it. he said "who's this?" when she texted him. then she went silent now. he's losin it."

rhyan nods "well, take the love bug to see her. but i don't think it's gonna be solved easy.. he really hurt her"

nick sighed "okay i get it!! i hurt her. if we're gonna go can we just go?" he then ran out

brandon nods "thanks dude! we'll drop in to see you later?"

rhyan nods "sounds dope! goodluck nick!" he shouted

you sighed and just laid on your sofa scrolling through the shows on netflix, you decided to just play the big bang theory, you love it!

there was a knock on your door. you sighed "go away! if this is rhyan or levi you saw me the other day! can you just let me be?"

you heard no response so you got up and opened the door "nick..."

nick sighed "i'm sorry i hurt you. i had no idea what i did hurt you so bad.."

you sighed "you cheated on me and lied to me about it nick! how did you expect me to handle it?"

nick sighed "okay i get it"

you sighed "you deleted my number! you didn't reply to me for almost years."

nick nods "i know. i was a complete asshole. and i'm so sorry."

you sighed "it. it's too late nick. you really hurt me."
you went to shut the door and nick had walked off but someone had there foot in it so it didn't shut

"i'm not letting nick leave like this. y/n. he's an absolute mess without you. whether or not he wants to admit it." brandon opened the door again

you sighed "b it doesn't help. he was my word. then he forgot about me. it's not a good feeling whatsoever"

brandon nods "i can imagine, but he cared a lot for you too, regardless of his drunk ass bad decisions."

you sighed "then why did it never feel like it though?"

brandon nods "because nick isn't good at showing his feelings. especially when they confuse him as much as you did.."

you look at brandon "huh? confuse him?"

brandon nods as he walks back and brings nick back over "tell her why she confused you."

nick nods "cause i hadn't had that much feelings for someone ever before. i had no idea how to handle it. and obviously i didn't handle it right"

you sighed "well, i second the last part cause you didn't. but, you were my first serious boyfriend nick. i wasn't gonna let that get in the way though"

nick nods "i know. i wish i didn't."

you both decided it would be best that you sat down and spoke about everything. you spent about 3-4 hours talking, it helped you sort things out. you decided to have the guys stay, you ate dinner and nick ended up crashing in your bed. you didn't want to move him, so you left him. you both slept in the same bed for the first time in ages. it felt right. he ended up rolling over during the night and y'all cuddled. it made you extremely happy.

you then kept speaking the next day, it made you extremely happy. it was different but it wasn't all that different.

months later, things were back to normal. you were seeing each other again. and it was perfect. you couldn't ask for more.

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