from what your friends have said.. i dont think thats a good idea. - a.p

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your track record with guys is. well it's something you now laugh at. the same kind of guys doing the same shit yet you fell for it every single time. why? no clue. but you did.

you were out one night with your friends. well. classmates. you were having a tough day and they invited you to a friend of a friends party, confusing but, you wanted a distraction so you took it.

and who was there you ask? austin.

but. you found that out in a way you wish you didn't.

your friends were dancing on the dance floor when you left them to go to the bathroom.

austin was approached by your friends. "don't go for her hey. she's going through a lot. brush her off, bring her to us and we'll handle it" they said as you walked back to the dance floor from the bathroom.

your friends then went to the dance floor and you went to get another drink. cause 4 wasn't enough. you get to the bar and austin's sitting there just talking to edwin.

you sighed "i'll take another please" you slurred

austin looks at you then at the bartender

"he's not saying anything but he's right. i'm gonna cut you off" she looks at you

you sighed "come on..."

the bartender nods "hun you've had enough. a fifth drink isn't gonna help"

you scoff then look at austin "would it help if it was from you" you slurred. of course.

austin shakes his head "from what your friends have said., i don't think that's a good idea."

you sighed "what'd they say?"

austin itches his head "that you've gone through a lot, that if you approach me to gentle let you down"

you sighed and looked back at the dance floor to see that they left completely "okay great"

austin sighed "i'm sorry"

you sighed "yeah.. me too" you then start to walk out when you felt a grip on your arm. it was austin

"you're off your head. i mean that the nicest way. i'll call you an uber" austin smiled

you nod "okay. if that's gonna get me outta here faster than walking 8 blocks, then please"

austin smiled as he called the uber then handed you a piece of paper on it. with his number & name "call me when you're maybe a little more sober"

you smiled and nodded.

you woke up the next morning being able to remember absolutely nothing.

you went to roll over when something was stabbing you in the boob. you pull out the paper and it was the bit austin gave you. you wiped your eyes "austin? i don't remember an-"

you then nod "ah the one that called me the uber. that one i remember"

you then send him a text "hey i'm sorry for being such a bitch last night. thank you for making sure i got home safely :)"

austin replied pretty quickly "how are you? other than a pretty rough hang over? after your friends well you know?"

you sighed "actually i don't. i don't remember anything before the uber call"

austin sighed "they left you"

you nod "yeah. they do that a lot. it's normal now. they find a guy they like at the club or a bar and then boom. i don't exist"

you then reply again "ah never mind. i don't wanna dumb that on you"

"austins # wants to facetime*

you answer it.

austin is smiling "you can tell me anything. continue"

you sighed as you told him the run down about your college "friends" and experience.

he smiled softly "how about i bring you some coffee and a sandwich from starbucks to help the hangover and we can continue to bitch about people we hate"

you smiled "oh god i need that. please"

austin nods "on my way"

you hang up then text austin the address and save his contact under "austin😇"

you weren't exactly sure what you thought of him by you knew that after what he did for you this morning that he's not a bad guy like the rest. so who knows.

you and austin talked all day. and watched a few movies and by the sounds of what he told you too, he was in the same kind of position. he needed it too.

you both spent a lot of time together before he ended up asking you to be his girlfriend which made you the happiest. turns out something good can come out of a shit night

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