cause everythings gonna be alright - b.a (long)

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you had been to a few of the boys house parties before, you roughly knew how they went, but. there's always something unexpected at every single party, so they're not always the same.

you and austin are very close. hence why you're always at the parties because he invites you. but he always walks off and hangs out with the other guys at the party, so you're normally left alone lost in the crowd or doing your own thing elsewhere

this time, you were in the studio.
you had wondered off and just happened to find yourself there.

you being you, it was a studio, you couldn't help but take advantage of your surroundings. so, you picked up the guitar, set up the mic & just started to record, "be alright" by justin bieber.

"you know that i care for you, i'll always be there for you. i promise i'll just stay right here-"

when you look up. brandon was standing in the door.

you itch your head "ah i'm sorry i got ah. i'll leave"

you take the headphones off and walk out. well start to walk out.

brandon smiled "how about we record this together?"

you nod. it wasn't the best song to record together but, you went with it.

"cause everything is gonna be alright" you both sing looking at each other. you itch your head and you smiled, trying to avoid that awkward almost kiss moment "it's really really good"

brandon smiled "you produced that, i just kinda sung i guess"

you shrug "you lifted it up, more like"

brandon smiled "no seriously. you. you killed that"

you sighed softly "ah i. i should"

you put your headphones down and walk out. brandon grabs your arm "everything is going to be alright. remember?"

you nod.

one thing lead to another.
and you woke up beside brandon.

you sighed "shit"

you started to throw on your clothes and walked to his bathroom, he was still asleep. you splash water on your face "idiot! you can't normally do this kinda thing"

brandon looks over at you from the bed "how come?"

you shrug "get attached then get hurt."

brandon nods "been there.."

you sighed and then walked downstairs

brandon shakes his head "wait no stay"

you look at brandon "only if-"

brandon nods "i want you to, and the boys don't have a say"

you nod "okay"

you both walk down and got something to eat then decided you would have a swim so you went out to he pool. austin & ed we're chilling down there whilst zion & nick we're in the kitchen

zion looks outside then at brandon "she seemed in a rush earlier? you messed that up? i'll have her!"

nick nudged zion "shut it man. probably not helping that one"

he then looked at brandon "so what happened?"

"she wanted to leave, i wanted her to stay, simple"

nick looks at brandon "b. it's not that simple. you know that"

brandon nods "she does too. that's why she wanted to leave. she said she doesn't normally do these kinds of things, cause she always ends up hurt. sounds like-"

zion cut him off "you"

brandon nods "exactly. and she's really sweet. she's extremely talented. what she put together in the studio was insane. i can't let that just walk awa"

you walk back in "ah can i have a towel?"

zion threw you a towel then you walked back into brandon's room to get changed into a different shirt that b had lent you the night before that you never put on. then walked back down.

zion and nick nods "we'll give y'all some space" nick then drags zion out

you look at brandon "did you mean that?"

brandon nods "yes. you blew me away y/n. talent like that isn't just something to let walk away"

you shrug "maybe. it feels like it is. i love it, i do. but it feels like something is missing.."

brandon looks at you "have you tried dance?"

you shake your head "i did dance for a little when i was 2. a few classes. nothing special. but then i went to music, instruments etc"

brandon smiled "we'll teach you something"

brandon and the boys taught you some of their favourite choreography before you left. you went to theirs a few days a week to write and just dance. it felt good to be around people that got what was went on in your mind. you and brandon ended up together eventually, you were beyond glad that it wasn't just a hookup. that's for sure.

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