hardly sleep ive been going out - z.k (loong)

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your best friend zion just got out of a break up. and drinking it off has been his way of "handling it" sleeping it off didn't happen, no matter how much you asked him to. until. when you were talking one night after you dragged him home.. things changed.

you and zion have always been close, since the day you met. but he's always stayed your best friend. he's been with you through everything and you can't thank him enough for that. and you do the same.. well, that's when his hard ass let's you.

you woke up because you had a text from brandon. you open it. not only was it a text, it was 6 missed called & 13 other texts. so you called him back

"brandon. i love you, i really do but it's 1pm. i worked the late shift and just got into bed, hoping for a nap.. seems that's gone now.. what's the problem?"

brandon sighed "ah we went. we went out last night and we ah."

you cut him off "brandon spill it out"

brandon sighed "we thought we all came home but we haven't seen zion.."

you sighed "fucking caleb."

brandon sighed softly "you being all fired up isn't gonna help him. i called you to be the level headed one for him"

you sighed "fine. where is he?"

brandon shrugs "working on that now"

you nod and headed over to the boys place. on the way. you saw zion walking down the street. well not really walking but. it was zion.

you pulled over beside him. you were gonna raise your voice but you kept it cool. "the boys have been looking for you. let's get you home"

you dragged zion into the car and started to take him back home

you couldn't hold it in any longer "they were really worried about you, z. you could of called them. told them where you were? what happened? so they knew you were still alive!"

zion nods "i get it. i don't need a lecture from you when i'm bound to get it from 4 others too."

you sighed "zion you know i didn't-"

zion shrugs "i don't care what you meant"

you sighed softly "zion. you need to talk. what's going on"

zion sighed "nothing okay. just take me home so i can jump into bed."

you sighed "i'll get you home, don't worry. just talk to me."

zion shaked his head and wouldn't say anything until he got home

he walked inside. and just went straight up to his room

brandon looks at you, you just shrug

brandon then looks at the rest of the guys who were just confused

you then sighed "no, i don't know what went on. i found him walking about 3 blocks from here when i was on the way here.."

brandon sighed "you're the one that managed to find him so maybe you're the best to go talk to him"

you nod and go up to zion's room.

you walked in and sat beside him. he was laying in bed just looking at the window

you sighed softly "zion.."

he just stayed quiet

"you deserve more than drinking out your feelings caleb.."

you then continue "why do you keep doing this to yourself? i've never seen you like this.. it's too much."

zion nods "i know, i know"

you sighed "why though?"

zion shrugged "because you are with someone else and you have feelings for someone else. you're hardly around here anymore. it's kinda like you disappeared from here.."

you sighed "you know you could of came to me about everything right?"

zion nods "yeah. but i felt like an idiot"

you sighed "i don't have feelings for anyone else. work has just been busy & family had been something else the last few weeks."

zion looks at you "how so?"

you sighed "casey's girl is always around, they always fight, just like mom and dad did before they divorced. he's my brother so i don't want him to go through what mom and dad did"

zion sits up and looks at you "i'm sure they fight for no reason. it's probably nothing"

you sighed "that's what was said about mom and dad, then two weeks later, they both sat us down to tell us about the divorce and dad moving out"

zion sighed and just hugged you.

you hugged him.
you didn't want to let him go. you saw another side of him, he's never this soft. so to speak. it could be the alcohol.. but. you don't exactly know

zion sighed as he let you go and placed his hand on your cheek softly "i may of drunk my feelings away but i'm glad you handled your situation different. i don't want you to get to the point i did.."

you sighed as you moved zion's hand off your face "z.. i know you care for me, and i adore you for it. but there's a lot going on right now and i don't know if you're being sincere or if it's the-"

before you knew it y'all's lips locked...
but, you kissed him back. not sure whether or not you'd end up regretting it.

you pulled away "z.."

zion sighed softly "don't say it"

you sighed "how do i know it's not the alcohol?" you look at him as you stand up

zion grabbed onto your hand "because i've been waiting to do that since the day we met.. i love you y/n. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.. hands down. i've missed having you around here. more than you know"

you nod and decided to sit back beside zion. y'all talked more about your feelings until he fell asleep, safe to say the alcohol hit him.

it was.. it wasn't what you were expecting. but, it was exactly what you wanted. it took you awhile to come to terms that you had fallen for your best friend, but you did. and you couldn't be happier.

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