we can't do this.. - a.p (long)

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you and austin have been in each other's life for awhile now, you're close, you have been since day one. you got hurt by danny who is your now ex and you got drunk and the guys party and things happened with austin. you both agreed to never speak of it again.. until. well..

you were at the boys house party, you got close with austin as the night went on and you both had more and more drinks.

you knew things weren't going good like things could get messy.. purely because it's happened before so you decided to distance yourself and just avoid him for awhile. how it would go? who knows..

you had walked away from austin and sat in the backyard.

it had a been a good few hours before anyone had noticed. or so you thought...

austin was running around inside like crazy trying to find you. but he had no luck. as he was looking.

nick came up to you "you okay?"

you nod "yep. i'm good.."

nick looks at you "no you're not. i've known you long enough to know something is up. plus austin has been looking for you for awhile"

you sighed "it's nothing. honestly..."

nick looks at you "maybe you should tell that to austin? i don't want to see either of you get hurt but whatever is happening right now is doing exactly that"

you nod "okay"

nick nods "i'll go get him"
nick went out and grabbed austin for you to talk. you were nervous

austin walked over to you and sat beside you "hey.."

you look at austin "nick ah. he filled me in"

austin nods "i was worrying about you y/n"

you sighed "i just needed air"

austin looks at you "what's going on?"

you sighed "we can't do this.."

austin looks at you confused "we've been doing this for awhile y/n"

you sighed softly "yeah. friends, austin. we hooked up once. and it's going down that same track again and i-"

austin cut you off by kissing you

you pull away "think it's gonna happen again" you continued

austin looks at you "why can't it?"

you sighed softly "were meant to be friends aust. every time we drink we kiss and it. we can't keep doing this.."

austin sighed "but it's going so well"

you sighed "i wish it was going better.. i just. i'm not ready"

austin took your hands "we jumped into it last time after danny, and i understand that. but this time.. what's saying you're not ready this time?"

you sighed "let's see.. your fans, your band mates who are your brothers, your actual brothers and the rest of your family."

austin smiled "y/n! they all adore you other wise we wouldn't even be friends"

you sighed "i can't get hurt again..."

austin nods "i know. and i don't plan on doing that"

you sighed "i just. the last time i was in a relationship it was constantly being judged and always in the public eye and look how that turned out. and dan & i started our friends too"

austin smiled "we won't be like that"

you sighed "how do you know?"

austin smiled "because we have the constant spark. it died for you and danny. but it won't for us" he then kissed you again

this time. you went with it. it started to get more heated.

austin pauses and smiled "you sure?"

you nod "yes. i have never been this sure"

you hit pause and went inside up to austin room to well continue. once everyone left you had fallen asleep

nick came in to check on things.

"everything alright now?" nick smiled

austin nods as he looks at you "it's perfect"

nick smiled "i'm glad dude. it's about time this has happened!"

austin smiled "thank you man"

you then spent the rest of the day cuddling and just spending time together. austin was right.. it wasn't like the last time. it was something on another level. but. you couldn't of been happier.

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