dads girlfriends never last. - n.m (long)

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you and nick have been friends for awhile. but then y'all decided to go to the next level of your friendship and start dating., nick has a daughter. it was a rough subject. but. you brought it up one morning when you woke up.


nick nods "yeah bub?"

you itch your head "i ah. i wanna. i wanna meet. i wanna meet isabelle.."

nick sighed "babe you know that's not easy."

you nod "i know. i know she means a lot to you, that's why i want to meet her. you mean a lot to me and i want to-"

nick cut you off "take the next step?"

you nod "exactly"

nick sighed "i'll message her mom. see if i can get her down for the weekend."

you smiled "yay! it'll be good!" you kiss nick's cheek

nick nods "i hope you"

you nod and then you hop in the shower as nick is on the phone his daughter cassidy & her mom marie.

15 minutes later you got out of the shower. nick was getting dressed

you walk into the wardrobe "how'd it go?"

nick nods "she's on her flight here now. she lands at 5pm"

you smiled "yay!"

nick smiled softly

you could tell he was shitting himself so to speak. she's young. but she's also only nick's adoptive daughter. she's 12 but nick's known her since she was 2. but she started calling her dad about 9 years old. so she had to fly with family. but her aunt flew with her since she's back and forth from LA herself.

nick went to pick cassidy up from the airport. you sighed looking at the guys "i'm nervous as hell. and seeing nick so nervous about it doesn't help"

the guys nod. brandon sits beside you "it's not gonna be easy. but he's agreed to introduce y'all. that's gotta mean something"

you nod

you were having dinner with nick and his daughter. nick got up to go inside and get drinks. "play nice cass."

cassidy looks at you "it's not like you're gonna be around long anyways.. dad's girlfriends never last."

you look at cassidy "girlfriends?"

cassidy nods "he brings girls to me all the time. they leave a week or so later. it's not worth either of our time." cassidy stood up and walked inside as nick came back out

"where are you going? you can't up and leave like that?!" nick looks at cassidy

cassidy shrugs "to be with uncle b. at least his girlfriend is nice and i haven't had to meet 20 in 3 months."

you sighed "nick. let her go."

nick then walks back to you "i'm sorry it's-"

you sighed "a lot for her. i get it."

nick nods

brandon looks at cassidy "you need to give her a chance love"

cassidy shrugs "i've met so many girls of dad's. why is this one different?"

brandon smiled "she genuinely cares for him. she wouldn't be meeting you if she didn't care for him"

cassidy shrugs "but i've met so many of his other girls. this doesn't seem as different"

brandon shrugs "i get it can look that way cassidy. but she loves him so much"

cassidy shrugs and just sits down

nick looks at you "i'll go talk to her. you stay here just in case?"

i nod "just be easy on her."

nick then walks inside and looks at cassidy "i think you should give her a chance honestly"

cassidy shrugs

nick looks at cassidy "i love the two of you. you're both the most important girls in my life. i need the two of you to get along."

you had an idea. whilst nick was talking to cassidy you skated down to the nearest target and picked up a few things to do tie dye.

you walk inside and smile "you wanna do tie dye? you can do whatever colours you want!"

cassidy nods and runs outside and starts doing tie dye

cassidy looks at nick "can you get me some gloves from inside? i saw them earlier"

nick nods

cassidy looks at you "yes"

you look at cassidy "huh?"

cassidy smiled "i get it. you love him. i'll put in the effort to get to know you. i can tell it's what he wants & needs"

you smiled "thank you"

you and cassidy got to talking and you were very similar. you both got a long really well once cassidy's walls were down. after all the back and fourth and stress, it was a good day and was worth it

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