well yeah i love you too - n.m

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you and nick met through a mutual friend.

your best friend brooke was very close with the guys, especially edwin. so that's how you met nick. you've both had a few conversations, little moments, but you saw just a friendship. you had been hurt too many times by guys when you thought there was more of a friendship when there wasn't, so you didn't wanna chance it.

so you built a wall.

but nick was falling. fast.

there had been a moment at the last party when y'all kissed but then you took off. you had no idea how to handle it and haven't really spoken to him since or to anyone about what happened

you were over at the boys place with brooke. nick pulls you aside

"we need to talk"

you nod as you follow him to his room

you both sat down on his bed.

he sighed "i want to be more than friends. you know that. i've told you that multiple times and it feels like we're more than just friends but i know-"

you jump in "i just don't think i'm ready. we're good as just friends nick. i don't want to ruin it."

nick nods "i know and i get that but what about them couples that pull it off and it's the best thing they've ever done?"

you sighed "nick i. i don't know if that's for us though."

nick sighed "i ah i well"

you look at nick "nick spill it. you're getting red. spill."

"i love you"

you nod "well yeah i love you too"

nick sighed "you know i mean no i mean more than just friends. i'm falling in love with you y/n."

you sighed "nick i-"

nick sighed "look you know there's something there. deep down you know it. you didn't pull away from the kiss. that has to mean something to you-"

you sighed "i didn't pull away but i did run off..."

nick looks at you "why?"

you sighed "i've been in this position before nick. remember my ex? we started off as best friends too. we started off the exact same as us. then we dated, then i got too much for him and he cheated. i just-"

nick sighed "i need you around more than just friends."

you sighed " but. i don't think i can rush or risk that losing that-"

nick kissed you again.

"friendship." you finished. after you pulled away from the kiss.

nick looked at you "is there something else bothering you about being more than just friends?"

you nod "we've kissed a few times. but we're just friends? how many-"

nick cut you off "no one else. just you. i want you. like i want an us. more than anything."

you sighed softly "i do too. i just. i don't want it to end like the last one."

nick nods "i know. we'll go slowly. at your pace."

you nod "okay. i can agree on that one"

nick smiled kissing you again "would you be my girlfriend?"

you nod "yes bub"

nick smiled softly.
you smiled softly.

you then spent the night watching comedy movies, fail compilations, old vines, just having a big big laugh. it was just what you needed. it made you feel right? like best friends wasn't enough for y'all? it didn't feel like you thought it would. a few months had passed and you announced it. everyone approved and you couldn't of been happier

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