i hope it doesnt take me losing everything to realise i'm enough - b.a

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you and brandon just had a fight. you were always always putting each other first. sometimes that would cause y'all to clash. more often than it should. and it happened again.

you both were in the studio. he was refusing to talk to you, look at you or anything. he was that focused. he always makes time for you. this time though? nothing. so. you tried to confront him about it. he just shrugged it off. so. you locked yourself in austin's room. he's who you were the closest to other than brandon. you didn't wanna lock yourself in brandon's room incase he needed space so nick's it was. you were closest to nick & brandon was close with them all but austin was closer to brandon.

"i hope it doesn't take me losing everything to realise i'm enough" he mumbles
austin sits beside brandon "b i think you know what i'm gonna say"
brandon sighed "i don't aust... for once"
austin looks at brandon "you love her. you always have. you fight. yes. but there's nothing you haven't recovered from"
brandon sighed "i don't know about this time aust.."
austin looks at brandon "dude it can't be that bad"
brandon looks at austin "i was so focused on writing, recording, producing and everything that i just completely ignored her even when she tried to apologise."
austin nods "hm. that's not like you.. you sure there's not more here than it seems?"
brandon sighed "at this point i have no clue."

nick then walks upstairs into his room.

"y/n. you okay?" he stands
you sighed "i don't know. i honestly don't know."

nick sits beside you "aust is talking to brandon. he's destroyed y/n. what's going on here?"

you sighed "we've been off for a few weeks. i shut him out cause. well. mom passed. and she was all i had left family wise. and i didn't wanna hurt him by going off. so. i just left it. but. i don't know."

brandon was standing there "y/n.. i didn't. i didn't know you. she. i'm sorry."

you sighed "how. how much of that did you hear?"
brandon sighed "all of it."

nick places his hand on your shoulder "i'll let y'all talk. you know where to find me if you need"
you nod "thank you."

brandon then walks in "y/n.. i'm so-"
you sighed "don't. it just. it just wasn't good timing that's all."
brandon walks in slowly "can. can i ask. how she?"
you sighed "drug overdose. worst part is, it was two weeks ago. i only found out yesterday. i didn't even get to say goodbye to my. my own mother brandon. my own fucking mother."
brandon sighed and gave in and gave you a hug. he knew it might not of been the best time because you might just push him away, but he knew in that moment that you needed nothing but comfort. and he was the only one there to do so.

you sighed hugging brandon. at this point words just weren't coming out.

brandon kisses your forehead as he lightly pulled away "it's okay. i've got you" he then pulls you back into a hug

you sighed and just stayed in brandon's arms for a good hour. crying. letting it all out.

and after. it felt like a big weight was lifted off your shoulders.

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