my love, you can keep it, this ain't no secret - e.h

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you and edwin are planning on telling the fans that you are official. they know you are very close but they don't know well exactly how close. it's hard to tell them but, you're hoping they'll be supportive, if not, well. you genuinely won't handle it well if they don't.

it was early. 3am.

edwin looks at you "i think today is the day?"

you shrug "i love you but i don't know if i'm ready"

edwin smiled "my love you can keep it, it ain't not secret"

you smiled softly "as sweet as that is ed, who says they're gonna handle it the same way as the boys did? like it could go really badly ed.."

edwin nods "it could.. but it won't."

i sighed "okay. i hope you're not"

edwin smiled kissing your cheek "hey sone sleep bub. but i won't be"

a few hours had passed. you couldn't get back to sleep so you headed back downstairs, you knew falling asleep wasn't a option at this point, so you got up, put some clothes on and grabbed an apple and walked outside.

you decided to watch a movie whilst you were awake still. you then were still outside for the sunrise. you got a few really good photos of the sunrise before heading back inside.

brandon saw you come inside "y/n. are you okay?! how long have you been out there?"

you smiled "i woke up at 3, spoke to ed for awhile then he fell back asleep but i couldn't. then when i checked the time it was just after 5 when i gave up trying so i got dressed and decided to watch the sunrise"

brandon nods "okay good. just making sure you weren't out there all night that's all"

you nod "i wasn't, but thank you"

brandon then looks at you "so what has got you from sleeping anyways?"

you itch your head "ed's ready to tell the beanz today, about us. but i just don't think i'm ready. i know him & i are good, but i don't think i want the world knowing that? i don't know. it's stupid really.."

brandon smiled "talk to him more. if he really loves you in the way i think he does, this won't phase him, he'll understand"

you nod "okay. thank you b"

you then ended up falling asleep on the sofa and woke up not long after edwin had gotten downstairs "babe, you okay?"

you nod "yeah. i just think we need to talk."

edwin nods "okay, let me just get a coffee then i'll be right there"

you nod as you walked back outside so the two of you could talk without worrying about waking the other boys up.

edwin sits down "so what's up bub?"

you sighed "ed i adore you but"

edwin looks at you "you're not ready yet?"

you nod "exactly. i mean i love you and i hate lying to everyone about us being more than they think we are but i'm just not ready"

edwin nods "and that's okay"

after a little bit more of talking, some laughs, tears and etc, you both came to agreement that it is the best time to tell everyone.

so edwin posts this to instagram

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so edwin posts this to instagram. it took awhile but you're happy. everyone else seems to agree with y'all being together. everyone had their suspicions but, it did make you very happy now knowing that everyone knew and that they handled it so well, minus the few haters, but, it went down a lot better than you were expecting it to. all and all, couldn't of gone better

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