you'll shuffle through faces, like songs on your playlist. - e.h

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you've got a pass with guys. let's say that. you can't help going from guy to guy, you shouldn't but you do. it's bad. your walls are up so much that a one night stand feels like luxury. and it's hard for you to explain it without sounding bad.. but. you understand it. others. nope.

one day.

your best friends decide to go to a party of a friend. that friend, happened to be brandon.

you got there and you felt so lost already. you didn't feel safe. whatsoever. it was hard to explain.

your best friends zeke & lauren are always trying to set you up with guys cause they don't like how you've been lately. but. it never sticks.

until. edwin.

lauren smiled "i wanna introduce you to someone y/n!"
you sighed "ah no. i'm good. remember what happened last time?"
zeke nods "i know but we're here, it's his house the guy we're setting you up with, his name is edwin. he's a good guy. you're safe"
you look at lauren & zeke. not too sure what to think. they were smirking.

you nod "okay fine. just so y'all stop looking at me like that."

the both nod "deal"

they then disappeared. then. someone bumped into you.

"i'm sorry!" he says
you shake your head "no no. it's okay. i was. i was just leaving."

he smiled "you should stay. i could show you around? get away from everyone?" he was still holding onto your arm after apologising to you. you didn't want him to let go.

you nod "actually yeah. that'll be. that'll be nice"

you followed, he smiled "i'm edwin by the way"

you smiled "y/n nice to-" it then clicked "wait you didn't just talk to my friends?"

edwin shakes his head "no? whys that?"

you shake your head "ah it doesn't matter. so you live here?"

edwin nods "yeah! with my band mates!"

you smiled "music too hey?"

edwin smiled "yeah, i love it!"

you smiled "me too. especially the last few months.. it's been an escape really"

edwin nods "i get that. i hope you're okay now though"

you shrug "hard to say. i haven't been well myself. i keep going from guy to guy. but it feels like nothing sticks which i know isn't the way to go about it but-"

edwin jumps in "you shuffle through faces like songs on your playlist?"

you nod "more or less"

edwin smiled "funny that. the guys and i just dropped a song with them lyrics! i can play it for you?"

you nod.

edwin the grabs his phone and plays it.

you smiled softly "it's really good!"

edwin smiled "thank you!" he then smiled "so you write also? or just?"

you nod "i do. i've been doing it for ages, i lost it in college but found it when i dropped out"

edwin nods "been through a lot hey?"

you nod "oh you don't even know"

edwin smiled "would you like a drink?"

you shake your head "i don't drink-"

edwin smiled "it can be of anything"

you smiled "a water will be okay. thank you"

you then spend the rest of the night talking to edwin by the pool. it got cold so he offered you his hoodie. then, before you knew it, you woke up.

you turn over and look at edwin "we slept out here?"

edwin nods "we did"

you smiled "i needed this"

edwin smiled "well, i'm here if you need it again"

you smiled "i'll take you up on that. thank you"

edwin smiled giving you his number before he kissed your forehead "i can walk you home if you need?"

you smiled "it's okay. thank you, edwin"

edwin smiled "you're welcome y/n"

you left and spent the rest of the day texting edwin. you hadn't felt that way about a guy in years. you both talked daily, saw each other a lot. and just stayed really close. he was your support that you needed. and you helped him through a lot too. eventually y'all ended up getting serious and he asked you to be his girlfriend about 18 months after y'all met. needless to say, you're not letting this one slip outta your fingers

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