you were my biggest mistake.. - n.m

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you & nick broke up awhile.

but. being in the public eye, you have to address it. you were over all the questions and false accusations

"i loved him. i gave my all to him. but, it was just a little too late. i don't wanna go too into it because i still really adore him. but.. he- he. was my biggest mistake.."

you explained on your snapchat. which didn't take long to go viral. well viral through all the BEANZ.

you sighed softly as you read through the comments. mixed, but that's what you were expecting.

a prettymuch drama account posts the video "nick's ex now opens up to what happened between them.. seems like things didn't end as smooth as they both said initially"

you sighed again.

nick quotes it "hurting her was my biggest mistake"

you read the comment. had no idea how to respond.

you love him, with your whole heart. but.
he hurt you.

he hella hurt you.

20 minutes later. knock on your door.

you sighed as you stood up & it was nick.

you tried to shut the door "nick-"

nick walks in. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry i ever hurt you. you deserve the world. i should of gave you that. & not taken for granted."

you sighed "i gave you everything."

"let's not over complicate this. i don't wanna start a fight. when are you gonna realise. i just want your love." nick sighed

you walk away "hm. maybe you shouldn't of hurt me then hey. crazy thought."

nick sighed "i fucking adore you. i always will. i fucked up. i know it. and i've regretted it ever since.i was drunk. in fact. i haven't drunk since..."

you look at nick "you mean that?"

nick nods "yes. i haven't even touched one. and i won't. if that means having you back."

you look at nick "fine. we can. just. just as friends first. something.. something in you. just. it lit up heaven in me. and i can't. i can't lose that. not again."

nick smiled "noted. not gonna happened again. i promise."

you nod "good. friends first."

nick nods.

3 weeks later.

y'all were back together. you hated him for a solid two weeks. with him being around so much, as much as you hated him at first, it also made you realise that you really need him.. no fight is worth losing him.

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