it hits me right in the chest but i still wish you the best - a.p (long)

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it's been 6 months since you and austin had agreed to go on a break, and you were extremely sad it happened. but. it was what for the best. at the time.. so you thought

you sighed softly scrolling through your phone. your best friend chase over looking you. you had your legs resting on his (like the photo above that chase had posted to his insta story) you've always been "playful" so to speak with chase, it's just y'all's friendship. but everyone thought differently.

you & chase got multiple messages from fans. asking what's up with y'all. you're used to it, by now. but, it hit differently when it came from austin.

you were always close with austin, but it was different. chase is just a playful guy so it was never hidden. but austin is shy so he brought out your shy side.

your phone rings. it's austin.

you pick it up "hello?"

austin sighed "i ah. i saw your photo on chase's story.. seems comfortable.."

you sighed "it's not what it seems honestly"

he smiled faintly you could hear it in his voice "it hits me right in the chest but i still wish you the best.."

you sighed "austin.."

he then hung up.

you sighed and looked at your phone before moving your legs off of chase's "i'll be back. i gotta call nick. something isn't right."

chase nods "take as long as you need!"

you nod and walk outside. you call nick. you knew he'd tell you straight. you would call zion, cause he'd do the same but he never picks up. so nick it is.

he answered.

you sighed "i just got a weird call from austin. is he doing okay?"

nick looks over at austin who was just sitting in the sofa in a blanket "not exactly"

you sighed "i'm sorry.."

nick looks over at austin "i think you need to come over and talk to him. he's been like this since you've been staying at chase's."

you sighed "i'm staying over at his because of family, i don't want to tell him due to have he would handle it."

nick sighed softly "you should tell him what's going on. he might understand and won't take it to heart as much has he had so far."

you nod "okay. i'm on the way now"

you walked inside and looked at chase "i gotta go. i need to talk to aust. i'll be back later"

chase nods "okay! goodluck!"

you sighed and walked outside to your car and headed to the boys place.

you get inside and look at nick who was in the kitchen and he pointed straight to the sofa

you headed to the sofa and sat beside austin "hey it's over 90° out... why do you have a blanket wrapped around you?"

austin sighed "i don't want to talk y/n."

he got up and went outside, threw the blanket off and jumped straight into the pool. you then walk into the kitchen and sighed "how long has he been like that?"

nick sighed "depends.. how long have you been at chase's?"

you itch your head "3 ish weeks"

nick nods "then 3 weeks"

you sighed "shit.. i didn't think it would hit him so hard.."

nick nods "i didn't think it would either but it has. i think there's definitely something there that needs to be talked about

it was summer and you were already planning on swimming over at chase's so you already had a bikini on under your shorts & tube top.

so you took off your shirt & shorts and threw your hair up in a bun before running and jumping into the pool and landing right beside austin.

austin sighed "you're not gonna drop it huh?"

you shook your head "not at all"

austin sighed "fine..." he paused "i hate that he was your first choice"

you looked at austin confused

he sighed "you went straight to him. you've gotten closer with him since the break up. yeah, he's always been playful but he's been extra the last almost month and roughly that's since you've been there. what's going on.."

you sighed "austin. i swear to god it's not what you think. i moved in with him because of family things at home that i wanted to escape from, and since our break was still so fresh i knew it would be hard to go from nothing to living with you so i crashed at chase's."

austin looks at you as he gets out and sits on the side of the pool "so there's nothing?"

you shake your head "i wouldn't hurt you like that austin.. i love you. the break was just needed. your work load was becoming more and so was mine then the family drama. it was for the best but now it might not of been"

austin nods "yeah it doesn't feel like it was.."

you nod

austin smiled "stay for dinner? it's been awhile. i miss you"

you nod "i miss you too aus-" before you could finish he had pulled you back into the pool

you spent a good two hours wrestling in the pool, just having lots of fun. it was well needed. for the two of you. you spent dinner with the guys and talked to austin more. you started to slowly go back every so often, then you became offical again. and awhile after you moved in. it was a slow process but in this case it was good it was slow.

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