this is why we broke up! you would keep the biggest secrets - z.k (long)

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you and zion broke up just before PM started. it's been extremely hard not just go back to him. you were off and on, kinda like a friends with benefits kinda situation before you became offical. then, you lasted, awhile. then. it hit the fan. he became addicted to alcohol. he would get violent. lash out. not physically at you, just around you. and it would scare the shit out of you. so many "what if's"

but. once he became sober, y'all got closer again, in the last 6 ish months. and.. well.

it was quiet. oddly quiet. you've known these guys from day one. you can tell when something's up.

austin and zion weren't anywhere to be found... so you went looking for them.

"please don't tell y/n aust, she'll be extremely disappointed and i don't think i can put her through that again. i don't want her knowing i'm dri-"

you walked in.

"you're what?" you sighed looking at zion with the bottle of tequila in his hand.

"bub! it's not-" he put the bottle down

you cut him off.

"not what it looks like?! cause to me, it looks like you're telling aust not to tell me you're drinking again cause you don't want to disappoint me... bit late for that one." you sighed walking out.

austin then followed but zion grabbed your hand. now it's just you and zion in the room.

"cut the bullshit zion. what's really going on?" you look at him

"it started not long after i loss you. i tried to stop but i couldn't. it was when i realised that in order to be okay i needed you there. always needed you there." he sighed

you sighed "i wouldn't of left if you told me you had the problem first! or if my dumbass picked up on it and the fact you lied to me about it not once but twice it just-" you wipe your eyes.

"i can't do it again. i can't lose someone to substance abuse. not again. my dad. alcohol. my brother. meth. you? z.." you continued

zion nods "i know. i'm-"

you cut him off again "sorry?" you scoff "this is why we broke up! you would keep the biggest secrets from me.. do you not trust me?"

zion shook his head "that's not it at all y/n! i didn't tell you because i knew that if i let this get over top of me, and shit happened, i wouldn't. i couldn't live with myself if i put you through that again"

you sighed "i love- loved you. that's why i stuck by you. through thick an thin. you were my best friend & my boyfriend all wrapped into one."

zion nods "and i'm an idiot for ever letting you go."

you sighed "maybe i'm the idiot for walking away. especially if you relied so much on me. but what about the guys?"

zion shrugged "i mean i love them. they're my boys. but  i can't talk to them about this like i can with you."

you nod "i get that."

zion then laughed slightly "remember when we were in our hideout and watching the guys jump into the pool and brandon tripped?"

you nod "yeah! and then ed got the leg cramp!"

zion nods "yeah. good times."

"look y/n. i'm sorry." he took your hands

you gripped his hands "i just don't wanna lose someone again. i don't want to get closer to you, then have you go. like everyone else."

zion looks at you "i promise that won't happen. not again. if you stick with me through this, i promise and i mean promise, i'll never let you down again"

you nod "okay. one last time. but if you can't stay sober this time then that's-"

nick nods "all. i know"

you nod "okay good"

after talking it out a little longer, you both became on the same page. you agreed to take him to sessions, he there every step of the way. and he's now over 6 months clean again & y'all are back together. it couldn't of ended better.

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