but maybe you're too scared to be with someone - z.k

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you and zion have feelings for each other. but you're both hesitant to act on it. or maybe just you.. which. you shouldn't be. you've been friends for the longest time but being more and maybe losing that makes you hesitant.

zion looks at you "y/n. we. we've known each other for so long. why so hesitant?"
you shrug "i'm too scared to be by myself"
zion looks at you "but maybe you're too scared to be with someone else..."
you sighed "z.. i don't. i don't know."
zion looks at you "baby i'm right and you know it."
you sighed "fine! i'm scared okay. maybe we won't work as a couple. maybe we'd clash. maybe no one will like us as a couple. maybe we'd be better off friends. what if we break up and it ends up messy? then what? then i lose you completely. i can't. i can't have that."
zion holds onto your hands "y/n. i can assure you. it won't happen."

you nod "yeah. cause we're staying friends." you let go of zions hands

zion shakes his heads "that's not. that's completely off the table."

you sighed "so we're nothing now?"

zion sighed "no i didn't mean it like that"

you walk downstairs "maybe you did"

as you're walking down the stairs, you get to the bottom. zion sighed before he shouted "i love you!"

you turn around "huh?"

zion nods "i love you"

the boys in the background "awww"

zion looks at you "i couldn't be friends. cause i wanted more. i couldn't be less cause i needed more. i need. i love you"

you look at zion "i mean i-"

zion looks at you "that way. you're not by yourself, you don't have to be with anyone else & you won't be without me"

you nod as you went up the stairs and hug zion "thank you. and for what it's worth. i love you too"

zion smiled softly as he kissed you then pulls away "pizza?"

you nod "yeah pizza sounds perfect."

zion ordered a pizza for you to share then enough for the boys too. you had a chill night on the couch with the boys, cuddled up to zion. it was just wanted you needed.

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