i cant keep doing this. - a.p (long)

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you and austin have been seeing each other for awhile. but it's been very very lowkey. only you & him know. not even your parents, his parents, or any of the guys. or even your friends.

you were okay with it at first. but the amount of sneaking around is getting to you.

austin texts you "hey it's been a rough day at rehearsals.. can you come cuddle?"

you smiled seeing the text. but the fact you gotta climb a whole ass tree to get to his room, isn't always the most funniest thing. especially when you knew that if you had one conversation with the boys you could use the door.

you reply "okay, just for you. but i'm getting sick of climbing the tree"

austin nods "i know. we'll tell them soon"

you then headed over to austin's place. you climbed the tree and before you knew it you were back in his bed. it felt.. well like home? you had watched probably 3 movies before you sighed and sat up.

austin looks at you slightly concerned "y/n?"

you sighed "i care for you austin.. but this whole sneaking around isn't. it's losing the fun in it."

austin looks at you "so what do we do? is that it?"

you sighed "no aust. of course it's not. i can't up and leave like that.."

austin smiled softly "thank god. then i don't see the problem bub" he tried to pull you back down to lay down

you sighed sitting up again "austin. i'm being serious.."

austin pauses before he responds.

you then respond again "i can't keep doing this.."

you started to get back out of austin's bed and putting your shoes on. before heading back over to the window. "i care about you, about us. but if you don't want to-"

he interrupted "no i want to. i want the world to know.. i just. i don't know if i'm ready"

you look at austin "i'm worried about what they will think too. especially zion. but, we can't keep doing this.. i can't keep doing this"

austin nods "you're right.."

you then nod and look at austin

austin smiled "okay. we'll tell them"

you nod and smiled "thank you" you then kissed him

austin smiled softly.

you paused "one problem though.."

austin smiled "yes?"

you itch your head "ah we haven't got a plan?"

austin smiled "no we don't. but we shouldn't need one"

he grabbed your hand and walked you over to the door and downstairs to where all the boys were sitting.

"ah i knew it! there's no way you could of spent that much time in your room alone!" edwin smiled
"finally!" nick smiled
"good on you aust! this one won't hurt ya" brandon smiled
zion just scoffed

you were extremely close with zion. but i guess he didn't approve of you & austin as much as you thought.

zion looks at you "a word?"

you look at austin who was nodding so you went outside and followed zion

zion froze in one spot "y/n! you really think this is a good idea? i love the both of you, but what happens if you don't work out? are y'all gonna forbid me hanging out with one or the other? how's that-"

you smiled "z. i'm glad to see you care. but remember i'm the older one here. i know what i'm doing. plus, it's austin. nothing's gonna happen"

zion smiled "okay. i'd be more worried if it was brandon"

you paused and looked at zion

zion looks at you "cause he's a lot like your ex. just more well less of an asshole"

you nod "ah. got you"

zion nods "i'm happy for y'all"

you smiled softly before walking back inside and over to austin. turns out it went better than expected. you told your family & friends a few days later then announced a few weeks later to the fans.

everyone handled it a lot better than you were expecting which made you wish you went public earlier. but, considering how unsure you were, it literally couldn't of gone better.

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