don't dude.. he aint worth it - n.m (long)

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you're brandon's twin. you get along with the guys really well, you have a boyfriend, alex. and the guys are extremely protective of you. especially nick.

you were hanging out with the guys, and they were the ones that originally set you & alex up. so mutual group of people. it's awkward most of the time.

you and alex were fighting cause you had just saw him hitting in an other chick and making out with her.

you're not good with arguing. especially when you're one of the ones involved.

"you had your tongue down another chicks throat! how could i not be mad?!" you sighed

he scoffed "oh come on babe! it was just some fun!"

nick had developed a little crush on you since you and alex were set up. he didn't have it before hand. but. it's obvious he does... well now it is.

you sighed "some fun?! you're with me... remember"

nick looks at brandon "do they always fight like that?"

brandon shakes his head "it's not how i remember them being"

nick nods and then sighed

brandon looked at nick "don't dude.. he ain't worth it.."

he ignored b and walked over to you.

you felt nick tap you on your shoulder. you turn around "what?!" by now you were crying and shaking. you weren't handling it well.

alex scoffed "mate. stay out of it. it's our shit"

nick scoffed back "since you can do whatever you want, maybe she can too"

nick then kissed you right in front of alex. you pulled away and took off.

nick smirked back at alex "how'd that feel.. mate?"

alex scoffed and took off and went over to the other chick before leaving the party.

brandon went up to nick "bro i told you not to.."

nick nods "i know. but i couldn't just stand there and let it happen."

brandon then follows you up the stairs. you were sharing his room since the spare one was filled with junk. brandon sat beside you "you okay?"

you sighed softly "no. i just got cheated on in front of a whole party, then nick made a move and i didn't.. i didn't. i didn't wanna stop."

brandon looks at you "wait you?"

you nod "i do. ever since things originally started getting rough with alex.. it's not the first time he's done this. apparently. it's just the first time i've seen it happen."

brandon smiled "you could of made a move! he adores you y/n"

you sighed "i couldn't stop things with alex. he wouldn't allow it. now i see why..."

brandon looks at you "why?"

you sighed "he gets the satisfaction out of hurting me b.. why do you think he keeps doing it. plus i saw it this time. that's like double satisfying for him.."

brandon looks at you "y/n. you deserve so much better than that... like-"

you cut him off "like nick"

brandon nods "he's liked you for a long time and now alex has pissed him off, he's gonna do all he can to protect you"

you sighed "he's got other priorities b.. he's in a band. he can't be in a relationship"

brandon smiled "look at maggie & i"

you nod "well that's different. you're both involved in the public eye. i'm not as much.."

brandon smiled  "that doesn't matter to nick. it never did. he loves you! and i don't want you hurt again. but i've lived with him for over 3 years. trust me. make the move"

you walked out of brandon's room scoffing. you hate when he's right. but. at this point in time.. you're kinda glad he's right.

you walked up to nick who was on the sofa and just sat beside him and you made the first move this time.

nick looks at you confused "alex?"

you shrug "he left after the first kiss with another one of his hoes"

nick smiled softly "then what was that for?"

you smiled "b told me everything. i care about you too"

nick smiled "you do?"

you nod "yeah: and i couldn't act earlier on it cause alex is so controlling but. now he's gone.."

"fair game" you and nick said at the same time.

you smiled softly as you spent the rest of the night with nick. it's stupid but everything that happened with alex only brought you and nick that one bit closer

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