Chapter 1: Fighting

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Tobias POV:

THE TEARS COMING; down my face drop onto the floor. I am holding her hand. She's dead, she's dead. I lost her she was my everything. I just scream and bang my hand on the brick wall.

"There's one more way we could save her?" Matthew says

"How?" I say while wiping my tears

"Resurgence serum?" He says

"What's that?" I say

"It's like a death serum, but it's in reverse" he says

"Okay do it" I say while wiping my tears

He walks over to were tris is on table and sticks a needle in her neck.

"How long is it going to take?" I say

"About a couple days, but I'm not positive its gonna work" he says

"Okay" I say

"You should really get to bed, you has a really long day" he says

"Alright" I say

I walk out of the room, down the hall to my room with all the cots. I decide to not sleep there. I walk down the hall again were me and tris slept last night and she got over her 7th fear. I grab a blanket out from the closet in there and I shut the door. Then I turn off the lights then I lay on the couch. I start to cry what if I never see tris again. What if I lose her? My life is over, I can't lose her. I cry myself to sleep that night.

The next morning...

I decide to go check on tris again. I walk into the room were she is. She is still laying on the table, she has a mask on her mouth for oxygen. I walk over to her and pull a chair over. I put my hand on her hand.

"Tris" I say

"It's okay if you don't wanna stay anymore, I know I'll see you someday but right now I need you, everyone needs you, I know I am being selfish but I need you, please stay" I say while tears coming down my face.

I leave the room and decide to go down to the cafeteria for brunch. I walk inside and I see Christiana, zeke and celeb are sitting.

"Hey" Christiana says

"Hi" I say while putting toast onto my plate

"Your eyes are all bloodshot buddy" zeke says

"I know" I say

"She has to keep fighting and you know that" Christiana says

"I know" I say

What if she doesn't want to fight, if she doesn't I will lose her, I can't afford that

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