Chapter 53: I trusted you

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Tris POV:

The sunlight coming through the windows shines onto my face:

I open my eyes and I find Tobias not next to me. I get up from the bed and put on my robe since its a chilly morning and I open the door and I walk down the hallway. The coldness of the Howard flooring touches my bare feet and gives me chills. Then I feel someone touch my shoulder and I turn around and I find its madison.

"Oh hey madison" I say

"Hi tris what are you doing up this early?" She says

"Um I'm just looking for Tobias" I say

"Oh he Is talking with evelyn" she says

"Oh" I say

"Yeah" she says

"Do you know we're they are?" I say

"I suggest you don't do that" she says

"Um why?" I say

"It's secretive" she says

"Why would it have to be secretive, Tobias is my fiancé he would tell me anything" I say

"Suit yourself" she says

Then she walks down the hallway and back into the room. The hell madison? She was being so secretive that's not like her. Was she hiding something, was Tobias hiding something? I don't know. I walk farther down the hallway and I cross my arms. I see a door creeped open. I see Tobias and evelyn in there.

"You don't understand this is the only way it's going to work" evelyn says

"I'm trusting Madison, she knows more then you do" tobias says

"But you'll be in danger!" She says

"No I won't, I'm trusting madison she knows more then you about this sorry" he says

"Suit yourself but why you trust your little sister who is fifteen?" She says

"Because she's my sister and she is only one year younger then tris" he says

"Oh tris your girlfriend who looks twelve" she says

"I know you..." He says

"Just admit it you know it's true, she isn't that pretty you know, I don't know why you see in her son" she says

I lean against the wall. Tears start to come down my face. Tobias agrees with her. I know he does, he just said he did. Clearly Evelyn doesn't like me and I don't like her ether. Why would he do this to me. He said I was beautiful? He meant everything to me and now I feel like trash. Tobias eaton is a liar. Then I hear someone say my name and I turn around and its Tobias.

"Tris, what's wrong?" Tobias says

"Leave me alone" I say

"Tris seriously what's wrong?" He says

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I yell

"Okay okay, it looks like something was

bothering you that's why" he says

More tears start to come down my face. I just shake my head at him. Then I start to run down the hallway with tears coming down my face. I'm not beautiful I'm just not pretty I knew it. I see Tobias running after me but I don't care.


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I'll post the next chapter tomorrow! I hoped you liked it sorry if they're were any spelling mistakes :( night loves 😘


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