Chapter 29: we can leave

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Tris POV:

"Alright who's coming with us, If you wanna get out of this place, follow us we have enough weapons" blondie says

Some people start to cheer and raise they're hand. I smile and then I see Jason coming towards us. Not that jerk again.. What does he want? Like really.

"Oh what you think your gonna go risk your lives again" Jason says

"Jason, we can't just stay here forever" blondie says

"The rule you made is no one go into the maze and look what happened the rule was broken and it was broken by you too" Jason says

"Jason, we have no choice I have been here for three years" blondie says

"Oh yeah I have been too babe, we are never getting out of here" Jason says

"Look we have no choice now" I say

"No choice, well ever since you and your boyfriend came here all you caused is damn danger" Jason says

"I never wanted to be here, okay I was sent her for a reason" I say in a stern voice

"I was sent her for a reason too" Jason says

"I rather risk my life out there then here" blondie says

"I'm not coming back for you" Jason says

"Your an ass Jason" blondie smiles

Lots of people follow after us. We start to run and I have the tracker with me and it starts to beep. Lots of people have weapons and knives. Only me ad Tobias have guns. The circle opens and I see something light up. Me, blondie and Madison run towards it. When I see a grievers behind us. the boys get their weapons and start to kill them. I see something with the maze patterns.

"Sam what are the maze patterns?" I yell

"What?" He says


"Oh it's...










5" Sam yells

I press the patterns on the screen and I see walls come start to come down and crush the grievers. Lucky everyone is in the circle and the circle closes. I open the circle door and we all walk into this hallway. The hallway lights turn on. Then at the end of the hallway I see a light. We walk towards at the end of the hallway and I see it's outside. Then I look back and it's just one big maze. It's pouring outside. I bend down and kiss the ground.

"We did it, I'm finally out of this hell hole" blondie smiles

"Yes!" I smile

I run to Tobias and jump into his arms. I wrap my arms around him. I lean in and brush my lips with his and then were kissing. I don't care if anyone sees us. I'm just glad were out of there.

"Ahem" Madison says

"Sorry" I laugh

Then I see a cars drive towards us. Oh no what now I don't wanna go back.




Then I see someone get out of the car and I realize it's Alex.

"Alex" I scream

"Get in the car now, everyone were going back to Chicago" Alex says

"What about us" blondie says

"The car at the end has enough room don't worry, just get in your safe now" Alex smiles

"Okay" Sam says

All of the people who were in the maze get inside the car at the end. Thank god they're gonna be okay.

"Let's go!" Alex says

She opens the door for us. Me, Tobias and Madison get inside. I see Teresa inside.

"Oh thank god your alright" Teresa says

"Yeah we were in a lot of danger, but were okay now" Madison says

Then I feel us start to drive in the pouring rain. The other cars follow us and we start to drive back to Chicago. I'm going home. I get to go home

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