Chapter 39: they're coming

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2 months later...

Tris POV:

I wake up to an alarming sound. I open my eyes and I hear people screaming from outside of our hotel room. I look out the window and in the rain I see cars. There dystopian cars from ahead. Oh my god they're coming. I jump onto the bed and shake Tobias. He opens his eyes and looks really surprised.

"What's going on?" Tobias says

"They're coming" I say

"Who?" He says

"Dystopia, look out the window" I say

Tobias sits up and pulls the covers off of him. He gets up from the bed and looks out the window.

"We need to get ready now" he says

"In what?" I say

"This" he says

He opens the closet door and pushes the clothes apart. I see a keyboard that was behind the clothes. He presses a code and two doors open. He holds my hand. It's this control room.

"What is this?" I say

"Mathew said to use this in case of an emergency, it's a control room" he says

"Wow" I say

I see two Manikins in these glass case. For the girl manikin is a black long tight sleeve shirt. Tight black pants and black combat boots with high a high heel. It has a black belt with knives and a couple of guns.

"Are those outfits for us?" I say

"Yeah, let's get changed into them" he says


After I get changed, I look in the mirror. I actually don't look bad in this outfit. I smile and I see Tobias come back into the control room.

"Yeah" I mumble

We walk out of the control room. Tobias shuts the control room. I walk out of our room. I shut the door and I see people screaming and sirens going off. We go down to the control room basement.

"Is everything okay?" I say

"No, dystopian is here" Mathew says

"How far?" Tobias says

"Not far, the war is starting" Mathew says

"Okay what should I do?" I say

"You and four go up to the tube that will take you up to the entrance bureau and you will wait when it's your time, do everything I thought you to do" Mathew says

"Okay" I mumble

Mathew puts his arm on my shoulder. He smiles and he hands me and Tobias two big guns.

"Don't worry, you can save Chicago both of you can" Mathew smiles

"I won't let you down" I say

"You won't" he smiles

"Thank you for everything Mathew" I say

"Your welcome tris, your a hero" he smiles

I see Caleb across from me, he is gonna be working in the control rooms with Mathew. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his Arms around mine. Tears start to come down my face.

"I'm sorry" I say

"No I'm sorry, I betrayed you" he says

"I love you Caleb" I say

"I love you too" he says

"I just want to let you know, that if I die out there that I'm still here for you no matter what even if you don't see me and take care of Tobias if I don't survive and if we both don't Survive take care of Christiana" I say

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