Chapter 18: we stick together

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Tris POV:

I find myself in a room. It's not a bedroom or a bathroom. It's just a room. I see a little sunlight. I look up there's a hole above me but it's too high to climb.

"Hello" I say

"Is there anyone there?" I yell

"I'm here" someone voice says

"Come out" I say

I see a figure walking from the darkness and I see Tobias. What is this. Are we stuck somewhere? What's happening.

"Tobias" I say

"Hey how about we fuck?" Tobias says

"What?" I say

"Let's have sex" Tobias says

"Let's not" I say

"Oh come on, you know you want to" he says

"No" I say

Tobias starts walking up towards me. I try to run away but there is a wall. I try to bang on the wall if there was a door or something.

"Tobias please" I say

He walks up to me. He pins me against the wall. I can't even move. He starts to kiss my neck.

"Tobias stop" I say

"No" he smiles

"Get off" I yell

"I'm not letting you go intll we fuck" he says

"GET OFF" I yell

He starts to rip off my clothes and I start to scream. i am getting raped by my own boyfriend. How can this even been happening. Then everything turns black.


I open my eyes and I start to breathe heavy. I feel there's tears coming down my face.

"Tris what happened" Tobias says while touching my face

"Don't touch me" I say in a strong voice

"Tris" he says


"Okay okay" he says

"I'm sorry" I say

"No it's okay" he says

"It was just a bad dream" I say

"What happened?" He says

"I don't wanna talk about it" I say

"Tris you can't trust me" he says

"You you" I say

"You what?" He says

"You raped me" I say

Tobias POV:

"You raped me" tris says

"I what?" I say

"You wanted me to have sex with you you forced me" she says

Did she just say I raped her? The hell I would never do that. I would never pressure her into anything like that. How could she think I would be a person to do that? I thought she trusted me.

"Tris I would never do that" I say

"I know" she says

"Why would you have a dream like that, when you overcame your 7th fear like a week ago" I say

"I don't know, maybe I have a new fear which is being raped instead of just sex which I just overcomed" she says

"Well your not gonna concur that fear and I'm not gonna let that happen" I say

She wraps her arms around me and hugs me. Then she leans her head on my shoulder.

"We stay together Tobias no matter what" she says

"Always" I say then I kiss her cheek

i grab the comforter and lay it on us. I put my head on the pillow and she does too. It's dark in the room but I can still see her.

"Tobias I miss Chicago" she says

"Me too" I say

"What's out there, like not in the cites" she says

"Danger" I say

"What kind of danger?" She says

"Outsiders who kill people who get in there way and other things we don't know about" I say

"Did anyone leave a city and spent a night like not in a city?" She says

"I don't know, but if they did, they didn't survive" I say

"Are we safe here?" She says

"Yes we are, so we are in Chicago remember all the city's have fences so were okay" I say

"Okay" she says

"C'mon let's get some sleep" I say

She nods and then she leans her head on my chest. Soon sleep catches me. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow

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