Chapter 108: Forever

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We walk into the dining hall, with are arms interlocked. People cheer and we hear blasting music. I see will and Christiana. Will has his arm around her waist. We walk over to them and Christiana just claps.

"Congrats girl your officially a married women" she laughs

"Yes I am" I smirk

"Well she's my married women" tobias smirks

"Well we all know that" will laughs

"Cmon lets go sit and drink some champagne" I say

"Okay" tobias says

We walk over to our table and we sit down. My brides mades sit at our table because they're the only family I have pretty much. Christiana gets up from our table holding some champagne.

"I just wanna say tris is my best friend, I have known her about for a very long time, she has went through a lot of struggles well we all have but I think she has went trough the most. Not every hero wears a cape but she is one on the inside. I wish you the best with your marriage with this cheer" she says

I pick up the glass of champagne and cling the glass with tobias. I'm so thankful now we are married.

Im talking with some people from behind and someone pulls me from behind and I find its Christiana.

"Yes?" I say

"It's time for your solo dance with tobias" she says

"Now?" I say

"Yes, now come on" she says

She brings me into the middle of the dance floor. Tobias is waiting there for me, I wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on ether side of my hips. The music starts to play and I burry my face in his shoulder. We rock back and fourth.

"Your so beautiful, I'm so blessed I have ever met you" he says

"Me too, your my everything" I say

We walk down the hallway up to our apartment. The high heals I'm wearing are killing me. I take them off my feet. Tobias looks at me surprised then raises an eyebrow.

"Are they hurting your feet?" He smirks

"Yes badly" I say

"I suggest I should carry you" he smirks

He picks me up bridal style, I wrap my arms around his neck so I can support myself. God this dress is starting to get annoying I cannot wait to get out of it.
Once we reach our apartment he looks into my eyes and then holds my hand.

"We will always be together right?" He says

"Forever" I say


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One more chapter to go o:


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