Chapter 49: missing him

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Tris POV:

I open my eyes and I see the sunlight coming out of my window. Just another day without Tobias. I sit up and pull the covers off of me. I feel my bare feet on the cold hardwood floor. I open the door to the bathroom and I turn the light on. I grab my toothpaste and my toothbrush. I run my toothbrush underneath the water and I turn the water off. I start to brush my teeth and I look in the mirror. I see how maybe Tobias could think I'm pretty but I don't see how I am beautiful. I turn off the water and I get changed for the day.


I sit down at the table in the cafeteria all alone. I take a bite out of the toast. Then across me I see a couple at a table. There like snuggling together and laughing. God I miss Tobias a lot, I wish he was here with me now. But he is busy with Madison I hope he is okay.

Then I see Caleb coming towards me he sits across from me and smiles.

"Hi Beatrice" Caleb says

I don't see anything. I just play with my eggs with my fork on my plate. I'm too upset to talk to someone right now..

"Beatrice?" He says

"Yeah?" I say

"I said hi" he says

"Oh hi" I mumble

"What's wrong, you seem upset?" He says

"Just missing Tobias" I frown

"Oh, I bet Tobias is fine and he will be back soon" he says

"Yeah but you don't know that Caleb he could be dead right now and you don't even know that because you have no contact with him!" I yell

"I'm sorry Beatrice" he says

"No it's fine, I just need some time alone" I say

"Oh okay I'll talk you later?" He says

"see ya later" I say

I get up from the table and I didn't even bother throwing out my trash. I walk down the hallway and I walk back to my room. I open the door and I close it then I lock it. Tears come down my face. I start to cry and I slide down the wall. I cover my eyes with my hands and more dears come down my face. I miss Tobias so much. What if he is there dead I can't lose him I love him to much. Why did we have to have another war why?

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