Chapter 2: Keep Fighting

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Tris POV:

I hear someone talking. But I can't tell who it is. I can't open my eyes or move. Then I open my eyes. Everything is blurry. I get up from my table. Then I see me on the table and I see Tobias holding my hand. Am I dead??

"Tobias" I say

He doesn't answer me back. I touch his shoulder he doesn't make an reaction. Am I dead? I can't be. He doesn't hear me, he doesn't see me, he doesn't feel my touch. I just see me on a table with this oxygen mask on my mouth. I think I am in a coma. I stand next to Tobias.

"Tris please wake up, I need you, it has been two weeks I can't give up on you please" Tobias says while crying

He is crying because of me. I didn't know he loved me this hard as I loved him. I wish I could talk to him but he doesn't here me.

"Just keep fighting tris and wake up soon please" he says

"I will" I say

He gets up from the chair and walks down the hallway and shuts the door.

I open the door and I follow him. Then I see a window at the end of the hall. It's nighttime and it's snowing outside. I touch the window and look outside.

"Am I dead?" I say

I look and I am wearing the same clothes I was wearing before I got shot. I wanna see Tobias, I wanna see celeb I wanna see all my friends.

"Beatrice" a voice says

I look behind me and I see it's my mom. I could swear I saw my mom an hour ago. What the hell is happening.

"Am I dead?" I say

"No honey, you are in a coma" my mom says

"Then how come no one can here me?" I say

"You are a spirit, you don't know yet if you wanna stay or go with me" my mom says

"I dont know mom, I don't know" I say

"Beatrice I will be here for as long you think about to keep fighting or not fighting" my mom says

"Thanks, but how will I get out of this coma" I say

"You will know, your faith will show you" my mom says

Then my mom disappears, how will I know if I wanna stay. I slide down the window and hug my knees and look out the window. What is this? I am haft dead.


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. I put some if I stay in here 😏 well because I'm seeing tonight.

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