Chapter 17: The Plan

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Tris POV:


I walk up to the door and I turn the door knob and I open it and it's Teresa.

"Dinner is ready, it's in the cafeteria on the first floor" Teresa says

"Okay" I say

I shut the door and I walk over to Tobias.

"Dinners ready" I say

"Okay" he says

"C'mon let's go" I say

"Wait tris" Tobias says

"I need to ask you something" he says

"What is it?" I say

"I just want you to know if I lose you I will always love you" He says

"Tobias there is nothing to worry about I'm not leaving you" I say while touching his face

"You don't know that" he says

"Tobias I'm not gonna die, I will do everything it takes to not leave you" I say

"I love you" he says

"I love you too" I say


We finally reach the cafeteria, I see all these people sitting at tables eating. I heard dystopia is all warrior people. It's kinda like dauntless but they don't have factions. They are all wearing this dark green brownish jackets. It's kinda like a puke color. The girls are wearing black leggings and tan combat boots. Then the boys are wearing some kind of black pants but I can't tell what kind with tan combat boots. The girls pants are really right like tight. Me and Tobias sit next to Madison, Alex, Teresa, and some people from our team.

"Hello four and tris" Alex says

"Hey" I say

"How are you" Alex says

"I'm alright" I say while taking a bite out of my sandwich

"So how does this city work?" Tobias says

"Well if you should know all of us our warriors, we train are whole life to fight, I have been training since I 5 which is how old you have to train to start fighting at level 1" Madison says

"There's levels?" I say

"Yes there is, there's 18 levels of fighting I'm on level 15 it's not average the average to be is level 9 at the age 15" Madison says

"Wow you must be really good at fighting" Alex says

"Yes I am, we have to train so if one day one of the outsiders or more come Into the city we will be prepared" Madison says

"What's an outsider?" I say

"It's the person we saw earlier and I killed him" Alex says

"Oh" i say

"Well Four I guess you found out that I'm your aunt" Teresa says

"Yes I am" Tobias says

"So tomorrow afternoon you will give the letter to the dystopian leaders and your gonna convince them, I'll help you with convincing" Madison smirks

"Okay" Tobias says

"Just saying these dystopian leaders are really stubborn there's 6 of them, there's 3 girls and 3 men" Madison says

"How stubborn" I say

"Very stubborn but I think you guys got it because your divergent so that will help" Teresa says

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