Chapter 68: I'm Done

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Tris POV:

I walk on the damp ground in the rain. I'm upset with tobias right now, he doesn't understand that I'm just trying to protect him and what's best for us. But obviously he doesn't see that sadly.

I see through the trees that flowers are starting to grow. It's almost spring, hopefully something good will happen. It's has been a month since the war happened and still erudite is still cleaning up. I walk towards more of the compound and I see tobias starting at me. He walks up to me and puts his hand on the side of my face. I look the other way.

"Tris" he says

"What?" I say

"Look I'm sorry for the way I acted and I should of listened to you" he says

"Tobias I was just trying to help you" I say

"I know, but I think I'm good enough to take this position" he says

"Tobias I know you want to but it's for the both of us, I'm not ready" I say

"Tris please I'm begging you" he says

"Tobias I know you want to but now isn't a good time to take a big job like that okay?" I say

"Tris you don't know how bad I want this job" he says

"Tobias no I'm not letting you this isn't good enough for us at all" I say

"You know what I'm taking it" he Says

"Tobias please, you need my permission too for it" I say

"Well I'm telling Lauren that we want it" he says

"Tobias no that's not fair, I don't wanna do it" I yell

"Well your doing it because I need to take this job" he yells

"What happened to us, it's just about you now?" I say

"Tris can it just be about me for once?" He says

"Fine go ahead, I don't give a shit anymore" I say

"your always so stubborn and controlling" he says

I slap him across the face and he just looks so surprised at me.

"You know your being such an ass right now" I say

"And your being such a bitch" he says

I slap him across the face again and he touches the spot on his face were I slapped him.

"How could you fucking say that, your suppose to be my fiancé not an ass" I yell

"I'm just being honest" he says

"Oh shut up, you can sleep on the couch tonight" I say

"How about you sleep on the couch instead?" He says

I walk back to the compound and I hear tobias say a couple more things and I turn back and I stick up my middle finger at him.

"Fuck you" I yell

I don't know what has gotten into tobias but he is being such an ass and jerk. He better get this under control or were gonna have some problems. I'm done with this shit.

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