Chapter 50: I'm sorry

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Tobias POV:

I just sit on the end of the curb of the street in grief. How could I have been so stupid. She just used me she didn't really care about Chicago. She only cares about meeting Evelyn that's all she cared about.

"Tobias" Madison says

"Leave me alone" I say

She sits next to on the curb. She just stares at the ground and I look away I don't feel like talking to her right now.

"Please listen to me" she says

"Why should I, you used to me" I say

"I didn't use you" she says

"Yes you fucking did Madison!" I yell

"You assumed" she says

"I-I -I know y-y-o-o-u-u" I say

"Tobias how could you ever say that, I would never use you I'm your sister" she says

"Then why did you want to go to the factionless?" I say

"Because I knew one of the leaders were gonna be there" she says

"How did this have to do with leaders?" I say

"The leaders are the ones who want Chicago not the dystopian warriors" she says

"So there the ones who are causing this?" I say

"Yeah the Warriors don't want the city the leaders do, we need to kill them" she says

"Okay let's do it" I say

"One problem there's 5 of them and I killed one of them so there's 4 life but I don't know we're they all are" she says

"Oh okay, how long this is going to take?" I say

"More then 2 weeks Tobias" she says

"WHAT?!" I yell

"Tobias if you wanna end this war we need to kill the leaders okay it's a long process" I say

"Oh my god, I can't Madison tris is expecting me in one week and if I don't come back in two weeks she will think I'm dead!" I say

"I know Tobias but we have to" she says

"Can't we like go back to the bureau for a couple days then come back with tris since she's better?" I say

"Tobias that's not gonna work we only have minimum time" she she's

"If there's no tris, I'm not doing this anymore" I say

"Tobias we have to or dystopia is gonna take over" she says

"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore" I say

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