Chapter 30: I love you so much

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Tris POV:

It has been a day since we got home from dystopia. Our whole team is going crazy. Well because we went into the city that is going to kill us. So there making up a new plan quickly. I'm walking down the hallway and I see Christiana.

"Hey" she says

"Hey" I say

"Tris I'm sorry for all what you have been through its awful but I just wanna let you know I'm here for you and soon it will be over" she says

"Yeah I hope" I say

"So how have you been with four lately?" She says

"Good I guess" I say

"Do you ever think you would ever get married?" She says

"I don't know, maybe but not right now" I say

"Yeah, but I think I could see you guys getting married your like meant for each other" she says

"Really?" I say

"Yeah totally" she says

"Well I'm really tired so I'm gonna go back to my room" I say

"Okay, use protection" she smirks

"We're not doing that" I laugh then I punch her in the arm

"Okay okay" she laughs

"Goodnight" I say

"Night tris" she smiles

I walk down the hallway and when I finally reach my bedroom I open the door and I hear the shower running. Oh Tobias must be in the shower.

I decide to lay on the bed and I grab the journal about my mom. I decide to read her last journal entry even though I read it before. Then I hear the door open and I see Tobias in his towel. His abs dang. Wait what? Tris stop it.

"Oh hey tris, I don't know you were in here" Tobias says

"No, it's fine" I smile

"What are you reading?" He says

"My moms journal, I really miss her" I say

"I know you do and I bet she knows that too but you have to move on" he says

"I know" I say

"I'll be right back I'm gonna change" he Says

"Okay" I say

He grabs his clothes and walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. I miss my mom a lot. But Tobias is right I have to move on. She knows I miss her and I still love her. But I have to move on in life. She will always be in my heart no matter what. Then I hear the door open again and I see Tobias in a black long sleeve shirt and black pants.

He walks over to be and rests his head on my shoulder then kisses my cheek.

"You know tris your a really brave person" he says

"How?" I say

"You just are, you have been through so much baby and you stayed strong you kept fighting, you broke a couple times but you got right back up" he says

"Your so sweet" I say

"I know" he grins

"Your also beautiful like your mother" he smiles

"I'm not pretty as my mother" I say

"Your not pretty, your beautiful and yes you are" he says

"No I'm not Tobias" I say

He puts his hands on my waist and starts to kiss my neck. Then he goes down to my collarbone and kisses there. Then he kisses each of my ravens, each one and then he goes back up to my face and kisses my lips. I put my arms and his neck and I pull him closer. We start to kiss and then I pull away and smile.

"Look I would do this, but I'm really tired Tobias" I say

"Okay we can wait baby" he says

"I love you so much" I smile

"I love you too" he smiles

Tobias turns off the light. He pulls the covers over us. I feel warmth when I'm around him. He puts his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. I look outside the window and I see it's snowing outside. I'm glad I can be back in the bureau were it's safe. Soon I fall asleep.

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