Chapter 91: Your brother

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I don't believe who it is, it's will.

He's alive, he's alive. I didn't kill him.

He turns on the closet light.

"How are you even alive?" I gasp

"If I tell you, promise to not tell anyone, not even four okay?" He says

"Okay I promise" I say

"Erudite brought me back, after a month I died" he says

"Why?" I say

"Jeanie wanted this, so did Mathew" he says

"Why is this happening?" I say

"What do you mean?" He says

"Why is erudite after me, why am I so a rebel or wanted so much?" I say

"Because you're divergent tris, your a

different divergent people look up to you tris" he says

"I don't want anyone looking up to me, I can't help them" I snap

"Yes you can tris, you can change everything" he says

"How?" I say

"You will see when you realize what you have to do, I have to go now tris I'll see you soon" he says

"Will" I whine

He smiles and then waves, then he opens the door and then shuts the door. He leaves me standing in a dauntless closet...


I open the door to our apartment, and I see no tobias. I thought he was making dinner maybe he upstairs. I walk up the metal stairs to the second floor. And I hear sobbing coming from the bathroom. I walk down the hallway and open the bathroom door. I see tobias sitting on the floor rocking back and fourth sobbing. His eyes are bloodshot. I run over to him and kneel down.

"Tobias what's wrong?" I say

"I did something so bad, that you will hate me forever" he says

"Tobias whatever you did, I will forgive you for whatever you did, just tell me" I say

He gets up from the ground and smashes the mirror above the sink. Glass falls on the counter and on the ground.

"I killed.." He mumbles

"You killed who?" I say

"I killed your brother" he frowns




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