Chapter 43: Im not letting you

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Tobias POV:

I see tris crying in her bed. I pull a chair up to her. She has been crying for an hour now since she found out the war has spread into the city. I have been comforting her but that's all I can do. I'm not gonna let her go into the war right now she is too hurt and she needs rest. Then I see tris sleeping. She has finally fell asleep because she needs rest. I get up from the chair and I bend down and kiss her forehead.

"Sweet dreams beautiful" I say

I'm about to walk out of the room and I see Madison leaning on the entrance of the room with her arms crossed.

"Hey" she says

"Hi" I say

"Can I talk to you?" She says

"Sure" I say

I walk out of the room and follow Madison down the hallway and into a closet. She turns the light on and then she smiles.

"Tobias I have been thinking..." She says

"Thinking what?" I say

"Since tris got shot very badly and she can't fight for about two weeks I was thinking" she says

"What were you thinking?" I say

"That I could take her place intll she heals" she says

"You mean fight in the war?" I say in a stern voice

"Yeah, just so you won't have to fight alone" she says

"Madison no I'm not going to let you fight in that war" I say

"Why not?" She says

"Because I said so" I say

"That's not an answer" she says

"Well that's my answer" I say

"Tobias please" she says

"No Madison!" I yell

"I know how to use a damn gun" she says

"It doesn't matter if you know how to use a gun or not, it matters if you have warrior skill and you have to stay in combat" I say

"Tobias I was raised in dystopia since I was 5 years old they trained me how to be a warrior my whole life and I could help you guys because I know all there marks and plans" she says

"No Madison and that's it!" I say

"I'm trying to help Tobias and there's a chance we could win this war since I'm from Dystopia!" She yells

"No Madison it's too dangerous and that's final" I say

"Your so stubborn" she mumbles

"What did you say?" I say in a stern voice

"I said you were stubborn" she says

"Go to your room" I say

"Your not the boss of me" she says

"Oh yes I am I'm older then you" I say

"So what I'm 15 and tris is sixteen" she says

"This has nothing to do with tris" I say

"Uh it kinda does" she says

"Go to your room NOW!" I yell

"Your just like Marcus" she yells

"What the hell are you talking about you didn't even know him" I yell


"Madison" I say

She doesn't say anything she just opens the door and slams the door then leaves. Great I just upset my own sister. Maybe she's right I'm just like Marcus because I'm related to him. God how can I be such an awful person.

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