Chapter 9: War?

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Tris POV:

I take a bite out of my hotdog. Right now me, Tobias, Caleb, Christiana and zeke are eating dinner.

"So tris how many months have you and four been together I have lost count?" Christiana laughs

"About 4 months now" I say

"Aww how cute" Christiana laughs

"Okay stop be all weird and eat your food" Tobias says

"You know four your not my instructor anymore" Christiana says

"Well I know that but whatever" Tobias says

"Hey tris and Tobias can I talk to you?" Mathew says

"Sure" I say

"Like privately" Mathew says

"Uh sure" Tobias says

We get up from our table and we walk out of the cafeteria and we walk into this room.

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" I say

"War?" Mathew says

"What do you mean by war?" Tobias says

"War there is going to be another war" Mathew says

"Another war, what the hell" I say

"There are more cites like Chicago left from the war" Mathew says

"Like what kind of city?" Tobias says

"There's dystopia and amber-stomp" Mathew says

"What kind of cites are those?" Tobias says

"Dystopia is in Ohio and amber-stomp is in Michigan, but you don't know what states are but they're by you" Mathew says

"So how does this have to do anything with war?" I say

"Amber-stomp wants Chicago, they want your city because your city is the most stable and we are not gonna give up our city" Mathew says

"Well how are we gonna stop this war?" I say

"Your gonna have to go to the dystopia city and team up with them to work this out" Mathew says

"But how do you know for sure they are gonna work this out with us?" I say

"We are gonna have to try" Tobias says

"And they have your sister four" Mathew says

Tobias has a sister? What? How is this even possible?

To be continued..

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